Thanks for this interview and support for Sal, Julie. As a feminist joining in Brisbane events advocating for women’s rights, and lucky to be inspired by Sal and other activists, I’m so pleased to know her legal action will have international support and attention given to it.

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This was a great episode, Julie! Thanks for bringing it to my attention (in the depths of Somerset!). I shall be following with interest, as with everything else you cover.

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I have just come across Sall's story via the Triggeronometry podcast and shocked this case has legs. Through deeper research, I saw Sall's tweet with a Gofundme page to help with her case if anyone's interested.

As a middle aged male I find trans that leverage the current favorable yet confused political environment for such cases despicable. Evident in the JK Rowing's story (and insightful podcast).

Here is the link:


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have just finished your timely book 'feminism for women' which i will now recommend to my daughters. thank you for all you do.

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Why do older men choose such ridiculous names for themselves, when they want to pretend they are women?

This man is in his 50s, and he chooses the name Roxanne Tickle. It’s not only creepy, but to me it shows just how little he thinks of women.

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She's a woman. It's not that hard to respect others gender identities. We just want to live our lives free from descrimination. Last night I almost took my life after being bullied online again for being me and begging a neo nazi with a profile picture of a famous slave owner to show me some kindness and dignity. Despite his behaviour being against group rules the admin blocked and kicked me from the group and when I posted about my experience I got laugh reacted by bigots who seek me and my friends out to make us miserable. In fact the only reason Im here is to learn about the case since the people bullying me and my friends posted it. Your words have consequences, bullying can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Please show her some basic kindness. This doesn't just impact the people you direct your hate at, your words make me feel unsafe because I know you're against my existence too.

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Dear TransWoman. Leaving aside where I stand on this debate, here is some friendly advice for you. Stop spending so much of your life online, getting yourself into a miserable frenzy about what total strangers who you'll never meet say in blogs. Getting suicidal about this sort of thing is a needless form of self-harm. Instead, focus on your real life in the real world. Do you have friends who like and support you? Great. Cherish them. The internet is full of strangers who enjoy upsetting others. The internet is, by its very nature, not a safe space. If you're feeling vulnerable -- as you clearly are -- don't live there. Go out into the fresh air and do real stuff. It will be good for your mental health. Love, Esswis

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I’m sorry that you deal with gender dysphoria but you still don’t belong in women’s sports or locker rooms or prisons, even if that makes you feel very sad.

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I have much sympathy for you and can only echo Michael’s advice on this thread. Yes, there are people out there displaying hatred. But not here. Questioning your right to enter female-only spaces or to appropriate the role of women within the current patriarchy or attempt to absorb biological functions like breastfeeding and menstruation does not constitute hate. In the eyes of the vast majority, it just makes common sense. You need to live your life as you and not seek fellowship from those who would prefer to exclude you for any number of reasons (not all of them being objective). This Tickle person is actively using poorly-conceived legislation and the court process to damage a woman who - in the view of most other women - is standing up for their hard-won rights in a battle for equality (with men) that still has a long way to go. Tickle may not deserve outright hate, but has forfeited any right to expect kindness.

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I don’t think Roxanne Tickle is showing women the respect that s/he is asking for.

S/he has been disallowed entrance to a female only space. S/he hasn’t had the grace to just exit with dignity.

No. He has taken it upon himself to take a woman to court over the issue. He has lost my respect, and I’m not going to refer to him by female pronouns.

Also, what 50 year old in their right mind chooses to change their name to Roxanne Tickle? Even his name can’t be taken seriously.

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Great interview x

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