Wadhwa and other blokes who present themselves as ladies have never had and will never have the essential experience that all real women go through, either in their teens and often throughout their lives. The constant fear of male aggression. An experience that must surely be essential to anyone’s ability to work with female rape victims. My daughter has spent her life crossing the road, not entering lifts and avoiding places and situations that I would take for granted. And before anyone says that men frequently take steps to avoid personal danger, it’s not the same as fear of sexual violence, which brings a whole range of stuff into play, including guilt and shame, however undeserved. Wadhwa’s original appointment was an act of extraordinary insensitivity and stupidity. Those that allowed and sanctioned it were either unhinged or malevolent. Sadly, the latter seems more likely.

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totally agree with you. As a woman, and a victim of rape, this whole fiasco makes me feel sick to my stomach. l never used the facilities of a rape crisis centre but had l done so and found larping males pretending to be women l would have been traumatised all over again.

However sensitive and good hearted a man is, they will never be able to understand what a woman experiences when raped. The physical trauma is awful but the psychological trauma is indescribable. 45 years on from my trauma l still feel abused and violated.

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Not only does she need to fall but that Board of Trustees with her. This is one of the most appalling things I have read.

What part didn’t they understand that it was a huge risk factor to allow men who self ID as women to work with female rape survivors? The damage was foreseeable.

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Insane. A man WORKING AT A RAPE CRISIS CENTER telling a woman who was raped that she needs to RE-FRAME HER TRAUMA? No!

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Than names and numbers of rape survivors should be completely private and anonymized for the safety of the victims. LOCK HER UP. LOCK THEY/THEM UP.

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All the Women who were told to “reframe their trauma” by an xy should sue him and the organization!

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So many women, not least lesbians, betraying women for men. Misogyny is a deep disease of society's soul that only the very strongest of either sex seem to be able to avoid being captured and corrupted by. Yes, Brindley has to go. But how the F did she and her wife become such traitors to women for the benefit of these obvious bastards who clearly played them for fools? Does it matter who's in charge of anything really if this is what so many ostensibly smart women do to their sisters to appease men?

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Five Eyes

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Wow, Brinkley and her partner Cowan should be sued. Only getting hit in the pocketbook and reputation will stop people like this. It's all about opportunism. They'll side with anything or anyone who will advance their career and monetary interests. These are often the very people who push their way into positions of power. Beware those who vie for power

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An obscenity to have a male in that role, given the extreme sensitivity of violence and sexual violence.

The victims have been doubly violated by partners and then by the people paid to care for them. How dare these trendy liberal queer theory lecturers get on board with the bullying of these helpless and abject women?! It's laughable that they promote the likes of Judith Butler and abstract post modern relativism to real life scenarios where women and girls are having to be on the receiving end of such idiocy. More and more the irony of being lectured to by the liberal poseurs who are actually defenders of the patriarchy, can they not see how absurd their position is? And how privileged and clueless they are about the class and material realities of female victims of male violence? They should all resign and he should actually be prosecuted for deception as he lied about his sex to get the job. He belongs in prison, a man's prison!

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