Jul 24Liked by Julie Bindel

Good grief! The absolute chasm between your logical and eloquent clarity and his utter blather is crazy. You are brilliant, Julie.

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He obviously thinks he is ever so much smartier than, well, you know, women.

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My god, what an utter tosser that man is.

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Jul 24Liked by Julie Bindel

He didn't do his research - most playwrights would do a LOT of research for a topic like this.

He seemed unaware that "TERF" is a sexist slur, as is "cunt"

The familial structure, with J. K. Rowling as the out of touch "mother" who requires an intervention - OMG, can't this playwright just go to therapy, instead of inflicting his mother issues on the unsuspecting Edinburgh Fringe audience?

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Frankly, I think he lies. How could anyone not know that "cunt" is a highly offensive, and nasty term? Here is a link to the dictionary definition: https://www.oed.com/dictionary/cunt_n?tab=factsheet#7755669 . Also, if you are writing about the fight between women's rights activists, and transgender activists, you have to have noticed that TERF is usually used as a derogatory description of a women the transactivists do not like (see https://terfisaslur.com/). I cannot believe the play's author does not know these facts.

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Exactly the kind of cowardly, cringing man who can’t cope with the slightest conflict in real life, but is perfectly content to lecture women in the worst possible situations of their lives that they ‘shouldn’t be afraid’ of men, shouldn’t be offended by the c slur, shouldn’t think for themselves, should simply absorb his words and his play without critique 🙄

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Perfect, Julie, thank you. But why would he know about the violent attacks on feminists and women’s rights advocates since they are covered up by the media and mostly ignored by police? Almost nobody in my blue US state knows about any of it and still thinks trans are the vulnerable victims. The manifesto of the ftm trans shooter in Nashville, Audrey Hale, is being withheld and journalists prosecuted for leaking its hateful messages. Women who advocate for women's sports or against gender ideology in schools (google Erica Faginski-Stark and Kari MacRae) are being systematically silenced. So much respect to Julie for her tireless advocacy in the face of such maddening injustice.

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That was a wonderful demonstration of feminism in action. Fantastic!

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Well said!

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Saw this and you were brilliant Julie 👏 Putting this man firmly in his place. It was like watching paint dry hearing his utter nonsense!

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Gosh, he obviously didn’t know who you were. He was unprepared for you, he really didn’t make any sense. The play sounds boring.

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Why does he think it is ok to fictionalise a living person’s life in this way? I can only assume it’s to try and manipulate other people into believing his version true. It’s grotesque. Did he actually find a female actor the play the part of JKR? Or is it going to be a transwoman? If I was in Edinburgh I’d go along a boo very loudly! Thank you JB

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Josh is very clearly a man because he is a massive bell end

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Imagine if this ever came up on the GCSE English syllabus... 😱

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This says it all. Cocky and clueless young male thinks his half-baked insights about an older, clearly many times smarter, more accomplished and life-experienced woman of his mother's generation are pure genius, when they reek of his arrogant ignorance on the subject he claims to be an authority on, namely women and our rights. I wonder, did he find a woman to play JK, or did he have to put a cock in a frock and swallow the irony?

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I watched the podcast. I am shocked. I cannot even write what I want to say I am so disgusted. The gall to make such a film of utter stupidity, and the incoherance of that person was confusing to me. Definately a misguided something. I feel sorry for him. Thank you for you Julie.

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Julie: I enjoyed the article until you threw in a gratuitous dig at "right wing zealots that rally for Trump and talk about removing the rights of lesbians and gay people". As a long time MAGA and Tea Party member prior to that, I have no idea who you are talking about, but clearly, you think it's an actual demographic, which is sad.

You ought to consider that us Right Wingers are actually your natural allies, and that includes my man Donald Trump, albeit that he described the famous lesbian Rosie O'Donnell as a pig. When he said that, he wasn't referring to her sexuality, but her qualities as a human being, a distinction you ought to appreciate.

That aside, just know that MAGA men stand foursquare (sic) against men in dresses violating not just women's and girl's spaces, but their very right to exist. Trans Activists are the very worst of our gender, giving themselves license to abuse not just women and girls, but little boys too. Dracula ain't in it....

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Being a feminist and supporting Donald Trump seems impossible to me, but I agree with you I don’t like making this issue into a left vs right issue. It doesn’t fit into either “camp”, same as saying the earth isn’t flat doesn’t. It’s just a fact of reality, not left or right wing.

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You mean the MAGA men who want to get rid of no fault divorce, take away women’s bodily autonomy, who believe women’s greatest ambition should be giving birth and raising children, and who want to criminalize birth control? Those men are on the side of feminists? Give me a break dude. Wake up.

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Maybe it was a lame attempt at parody?

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Sounds like the typical all-purpose Democrat Talking Point, AE. You should get out more often, maybe attend a MAGA rally without breaking anything.

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My entire family are republicans so I am well aware of the conservative talking points. I am an independent voter. The Heritage Foundation has laid out its goals for a conservative Republican lead government with Project 2025. In addition, Republicans have consistently voted for criminalizing abortion and eliminating women’s right to choose. Have you been living under a rock?

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So, abortion is your particular rabbit hole. Got it. However, I'm a guest on this thread, and I try not to disrespect the host by changing the subject. Do you have any opinions about a handful of men putting on dresses and demonizing actual Feminists for defending the rights of women and girls to exist? My personal opinion is that these "Activists" who invented the term "TERF" are narcissists and sociopaths, and not a one of them is a MAGA.

What are your thoughts, Amex?

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I agree. But I have no problem pointing out the misogyny on the right or the left. I’m an independent for a reason. I see no issue with Bindel doing the same. MAGA is no friend to feminism.

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Men like Trump are a big part of the what makes teenage girls susceptible to the appeal of being a man.

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oh you're talking about the MAGA leader Trump, the great feminist? the guy who was great friends with Jeffrey Epstein and boasted about "grabbing them by the pussy" Trump?

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Trump was the only public figure to ban Epstein once he found out what he was about. And are you saying women aren't allowed to let men grab them by the pussy? Is that any of your business?

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You’re off…etc.

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To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer.

Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned.

However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (primarily women).

Others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

Finally, it's past time for the LGB community to separate themselves from the trans activists who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and to privacy and safety in their restrooms, locker rooms and prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children many of whom would grow up gay.

Their actions are evil and the

understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent people who are just going about their business, marrying and leading their lives.

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Until I found Julie Bindel's collected writing and videos, I thought super heros just something in cartoons. This is an amazing interview. I bet even my wokest friends might wake up a bit if I get them to watch.

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