The original investigation appears to have been very poor indeed. Nikki’s mother Sharon was on TV last night saying how the police need to be made accountable for the many errors - even 30 years on, there should be an honest inquiry.

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Sadly, that's exactly my first thought... wasn't his first and won't have been his last. Shocking. This is why supposedly 'low level' offences like indecent exposure should be taken more serious by the police and the courts. It's always just the start . . .

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Arson is considered a core crime for people who go on to comitt sexual offences. The point I am trying to make is that there are well studied patterns of behavior that make up the profile of a classic sex offender. But for some reason be it time, money, ability to recognise these patterns, joined up cooperation and sharing of information between the police, courts and prison service, sex offenders often slip through the justice net and go on to offend again.

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