I have blocked Derpetology101 for his vile comments

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Julie, I enjoyed this a lot. Thank you!

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It's a classic Gish gallop. It's what Butler's entire oeuvre consists of.

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Nothing says 'radical academic feminist' like having one's own oeuvre.

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She’s not a feminist. She can’t even say what a female is.

She’s a joke, just like you.

Go play video games.

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I am listening to the full interview it’s curious. Ash claims that trans women in prison are more likely to be victims of sexual assault than perpetrators. I am curious where she got that statistic and how to debunk it. It sounds unrealistic given that the majority of trans-identifying men in prison are violent criminals, and almost half are sex offenders last stat I saw.

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There’s no such thing as a “trans” woman. They don’t exist as a group because there are no criteria to place them in a special category.

What makes them “trans”? A wig? Makeup? Hormones? Surgery? The vast majority do nothing but grow out their hair. Males with long hair? Those are a special type of woman?

A load of crap. They’re just men.

Men rape other men in male prisons all the time. That’s their problem. Putting one of those males in a women’s prison is not the solution. Males need to figure it out amongst themselves.

Women are not emotional support animals for fucked up men who want to be the ones doing to raping. That’s too bad for them.

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"I am curious where she got that statistic and how to debunk it."

Shouldn't you first be curious as to whether it's true? It makes perfect sense to me that it would be.

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Perhaps it is true in male prisons, but in female prisons, I think it's unlikely.

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Really? Female prisons are also full of criminals, many of them violent and antisocial. It's well known that there is plenty of female on female sexual abuse in female prisons, where most of the perpetrators are heterosexual and only abuse females because there are no males available to them.

I think MTF trannies in female prisons are probably passed around like a pitcher of Hawaiian mimosas at a sorority party. Most of the time they probably like it, but probably not every time.

I would also guess that female inmates who willingly engage in sex with these men will claim to have been abused just to game the system.

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You literally have no fucking clue what is happening because you’re unintelligent and lack the ability to feel shame about it.

There is no epidemic of females on testosterone in women’s prisons. There are far more male criminals than female, and that is because men are crazy. They are the vast, vast majority of rapists, murderers, thieves, gang members, etc.

There are no females on testosterone fighting to be placed in women’s prisons, and they’re not being arrested for rape, child molestation, assault, murder, etc. like men in dresses are.

“Trans” does not exist. A fucked up man in a dress is still just a man.

Your brain has been fried by porn, and that is why you are not connected to the real world.

Go away. You are worthless.

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Of course. But the thing about statistics is that they normally do come from somewhere, even when they are misleading and false. that’s why I’m curious where she got it from. It’s just like those claims about suicide risk.

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No, it’s not true because “trans” does not exist.

Men rape each other all the time. There’s no such thing as a “trans” woman. All the males in a male prison are male. There is no category for men who don’t want to be men, or who want to play dress up to get transferred to a women’s prison.

Men rape each other because they’re crazy. That’s their problem.

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Title pic and caption 🤣

No one does waffling word salad, circumventing concrete issues and never actually answering a question quite like Judith Butler. What baffles me is how the people in the YouTube comments celebrate her "logic" and "clarity" and "thoughtfulness" lol.

Butler logic: we fought to enable women to be whatever they choose, free from bio-essentialist constraints, *therefore* we must fight to enable whoever chooses to be a woman, free from biological reality. Cue cricket sounds to the beat of confused applause. 

Spontaneously trans-identified bearded male sex offenders being sent to women's prisons under self ID based policies...yes but you clearly failed to consider that some prison guards and some women commit sexual assault, so 😌. 

Sorry, Judith, us regular humans must not be smart enough to keep up with your superior intellectual flexibility. 

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My guess is men are far far far more likely to be rapists than women. My other guess is prison guards are far less likely to be rapists than convicted criminals. Basically, Butler is ignoring reality and putting gender ideology ahead of protecting real women from serious harm. Also, just because women are in danger from guards does not mean putting them in danger from guards and male criminals is an improvement.

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What’s funny is, assume you agree with Butler. The mask or performance of “gender” implies a living biological actor. That’s the human who has a sex. Either it’s innate but science can’t find it or it’s a performance and biology is intact.

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Way to tell’em Julie

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Thank you Julie Bindle for writing this article. One of the things I find really annoying about this debate is the amount of lying in it. I am shocked at how many people lie about what their opponents say. I suspect they lie because their arguments are weak. For example, there is no good way to argue putting a male rapist in a woman’s prison is good.

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oh Julie that last Answer was brilliant. l wasnt expecting that 🤣🤣🤣

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Judith Butler is a fraud, and she has added nothing of value to academics.

“Gender” has no real application to humans. It’s a linguistics term for words only.

Read just even one sentence of Butler’s published “work.” It is nonsensical drivel. It means nothing.

She’s a joke.

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Thanks for educating folk in feminism 101 and giving me a good laugh with your punch line. 😂😂🤣

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Clear as a bell.

You should be a professor on the subject.

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This is beautifully clear and sensible. Thank you!

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The captions, Julie 😂

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