Thank you for your continued effort to bring awareness to an ideology gone mad. We (adults) need to do more to protect our children. That much is clear.

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Many people wonder how transgender people manage to be so successful in spreading their agenda. After doing a little research I did find some answers. The transgender movement is extremely well funded with the money of right-wing billionaires like Peter Thiel of Palantir, Paypal and Facebook who led the boycott against north Carolina in an effort to force the State to allow men in womanface access to women's bathrooms. Another phalanx of right-wing billionaires is funding the American Unity Fund which was founded by Paul Singer. Singer got a big chunk of his billions by buying up the debts if distressed an/or bankrupt countries like the Congo, Ivory Coast and Argentina. When these countries were given humanitarian aid to keep them from starvation Paul Singer of Elliott management Hedge fund successfully sued them to for the humanitarian assistance they received. He thus recouped the debts he'd previously bought in anticipation of the Aid these countries would receive. The American Unity Fund is endowed with money taken from the starving children of the Congo and other impoverished countries. It's not just the pseudo leftists like the corrupt sexual fascists of the fraudulent Green Party and faux anti-facists. I, for one, refuse to abandon the left to these COVERT-RIGHT posers. As I remain staunch in my claims to feminism, which is, by definition socialist, communalist and humanitarian.

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