He and his fellow TRAs are a disgrace. I read somewhere that he has NO Counselling Qualifications - and yet is 'counselling' traumatised rape victims. How this alone is not being called out by the relevant Professional bodies I do not know.

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There will be no resignation. He and his partner are making too much money out of this scam.

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A real travesty!

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Surely he should be fired for misuse of public funds at the very least, as well as for lying by ommission by not disclosing his sex that was the wrong sex for the job. He clearly has no shame so will not resign unless facing worse exposure for his raging misogyny. He is as ill fit a person to run a rape crises centre for women as a rapist would be. Shame on him and all who enabled him.

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taken woman outa the mix is how they do it ; just called it " rape crisis centre"..eventhough the origin was set up for womem ( it was women by and large who neeeded support after being raped )

- cooption of womens rights)

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Having read through this whole article, I feel so angry yet also very sad that women's institutions, their Boards and governance can be so "captured" by trans ideology insistence to be "nice" and always so "accepting" have been hijacked (totally taken advantage of) by men like Mridul Wadhwa - a liar it seems and corrupt. He certainly had the rat cunning to game the Scotish RCC systems. Such a right royal Scottish mess - so watch out Oz same thing happening in the antipodes......

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Yes, @ SusanMeyer, Leichhardt Women’s Health Centre, a once committed feminist service, is now funded by a government health service and confuses ‘gender identity’ with sex, probably because NSW Health has joined the ACON backed scheme for authenticating LGBTQI+ approved organisations. Its website ‘welcomes all women irrespective of ethnicity, mental health, history of suicidality, drug use, faith, sexual orientation, or gender identity.’ It is no longer a woman only service but continues to say it is because it uses misleading language.

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I’m very sad to read this as I found the Leichhardt women’s centre a great place of support when I was a teen in the 1980’s getting into feminism and questioning my sexuality. It was 100% women-centred and nobody ever even thought to question this-why would we!! Makes me incandescent these bloody men (and their idiot female cohorts) have changed all this.

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What in the world is it going to take for us to stand up for our damn selves en masse and say "NO" to this?

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As he has no Gender Recognition Certificate surely he is just a man dressed as a woman - a transvestite. No ‘trans rights’ owed there. Moreover, his applications for positions reserved for women only, without disclosing his gender, appear to be dishonest, to say the least.

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And ERCC knew he was a man. Shame on them!

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What are they afraid of?The truth?

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I wish I knew. I feel certain there is dark stuff going on behind the scenes.

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For this reason I think we should focus the spotlight away from these narcissistic men and onto the ones who are enabling them. The narcissistic men don't care about the negative attention; the ones in the shadows certainly don't want it though.

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I agree that we must focus on how this was allowed to happen. We will always have narcissists and sociopaths prepared to charm, manipulate, bully and intimidate into places they shouldn't be but we must have robust organisations and systems that have the awareness, strength and integrity to flush them out and keep them out.

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I totally agree.

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Good point 👉

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Dishonesty is what the whole trans cult is built on.They are as dangerous as it gets!

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Truly shocking. This 'born in the wrong body' cult is as absurd as it is dangerous

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Imagine a world where immutable, biological reality is just a "belief?" How did we get here?

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You have to call it a ‘belief’ to get within the protection of the Equality Act even though we all know it’s a fact of course


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Orwell would be proud !

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This is a shocking scandal and I just cannot believe it is happening in my country in 2024. Women are being failed.

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Women and children are being failed and people are losing their jobs for telling the truth! Authoritarianism is here and it’s called trans ideology!

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Ideology destroys empathy doesn’t it? I suppose it’s how people can kill for a cause.

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God, yes.

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Fantastic piece, Julie, thanks.

Can I have permission to quote the whole thing on my Substack plea.


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Dusty you might like to follow up what happened with his partner. Together they managed to shut down various govt contracts for centres in North Lanarkshire dealing with single sexes and reopen as mixed sex centres with contracts valuing £1.4 m. This murky business has not had the coverage it merits but Glinner did a feature on it some time ago.

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Thanks Marion. Yes I remember now that JL provided a link on this. I’ll locate the link and add to the post I’ll do. Thanks for the suggestion 👍 Dusty

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class action by Scottish women to stop thie abuse by men using women

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Yes 💯 Something major needs to happen because those 'in power' are not listening. And the fact that the Mainstream media have captured children with all things 🌈 as have their Schools - and the 18-30 cohort are in the zone too with disgusting Drag stuff which has even infiltrated the decades old 'tame' Eurovision Contest! It is 1930s Hitler Fascism style repeated....it really is. The evil (which this despicable man at ERCC personifies) is spreading exponentially across the UK. New tactics are definitely required before it's too late.

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Fight it before it swallows everything whole!

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

It's the logical extreme of misogyny and the quest to erase women. As much as I dislike these men and feel quite disgusted with them, I am also deeply disappointed in the women who encourage and allow arrogant, aggressive men like this to push in where they don't belong and re-define us out of existence. Enough is enough.

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He speculated about whether rape victims experienced orgasm! Jesus Christ. We are so fucked.

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Enough already, right? Enough of these autogynephiles getting off in public by dressing as women. It's gotten truly disgusting.

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He’s a psychopath, enabled by cluster Bs and sociopaths. They all need to go. They are unsuited for this kind of work.

How disgusting.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Narcissistic, psychopathic, autogynephilic:

Nasty and entitled, they force themselves into an ill-fit.

Suing women's spaces, forcing THEM to take the blue pill.

Narcissistic, psychopathic, autogynephilics!

[To the tune of "Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious"]

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He was also probably appointed because of his ethnicity. This way they could be 'proud' of two things - they can claim to be neither transphobes nor racists.

I belong to an ethnic minority and the pandering from people who are eager to show how nice they are is suffocating.

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why would a man who demonstrates envy and hatred towards "white women" rock up to Great Britain in 2009 and fraudulently steal their services and representative govt funded services - was it ? And then instigate such depraved cruelty and misogyny - expulsion snd return of funds .

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misappropriation of funds and ironically the word woman has been removed by stealth on the joint's website - sinister

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I don’t know why it isn’t a huge public scandal. Should be reported across all mainstream media, yet seems to be ignored. Infuriating to see Alistair Campbell dismissing concern for clarification of the difference between sex and gender as trivial. Would also like the financial set up to be exposed. I don’t know what it takes to get men - and the handmaidens to remove the blinkers and have some compassion.

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