This speech was just brilliant. I agreed with every syllable of it. The work that you do in this area is absolutely essential. I have never agreed with the commodification of children and the using of women as breeding vessels. Like prostitution, it is always exploitation. It is never right. Well done Julie and thank you.

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Children of surrogates seem to think the same as adoptees. However if surrogacy is not allowed, the theft aka forced adoption from poor women will remain rampant. Forced life long heart break.

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Thank you Julie. Truly harrowing.

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Absolutely excellent speech. I hadn’t heard Julie speak before and, although I had developed a negative feeling towards surrogacy on my own, I didn’t know the extent of its damage. This speech was enthralling in the most alarming of ways. Well done Julie. You truly are fantastic. Thank you for all the work you do.

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Mic drop . I will be sharing this thanks. 🎤

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What a wonderful speech Julie. Thank for articulating what I have been thinking for a a long time now. Parts were truly revelatory as I don’t think enough is being done to highlight the damaging impacts of surrogacy. Thank you for all your brilliant work.

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