I can't bring myself to "Like" this report. So many failings by the organisations that are supposed to protect people. This man was a clear danger to women in his life, yet nothing was done to protect them. The police are functionally useless and need to be rebuilt from the bottom up so that they fulfil their roles properly.

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Took me back to 2003 when my son’s friend Will and his mum Julia were murdered by her husband his dad... the Pemberton’s murders were notable as she had some sort of court order to keep the estranged husband away - sadly famously the police waited outside the house whilst Julia begged them to help her on her phone whilst hiding in a cupboard - the son was already shot lying in the driveway but no one helped. Julia’s brother Frank Mullane pursued the police for years over this and I believe set up a charity for helping families in these situations.

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She should have told the police she was trans. They seem to be Bobby-on-the-Spot for claim’s against middleaged cervix havers who tweet

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How is this not a hate crime? Honor killings

Don’t women matter?

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Everywhere, we must believe women!

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As someone who has spent over half a century trying to protect battered women from male violence I've seen this grotesque misogyny too many times.

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So sad, so predictable, so familiar a story and so sickening

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What a pile of crap! To leave a country to free himself from war but to leave a pregnant wife and kids says a lot about this narcissistic monster. His photos show him like a pretty boy. hope he getting butt reemed in prison. My thoughts to the family for the loss of 2 beautiful women. Xo

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