IN chch NZ The prostitution of women has seen 5 women brutally murdered 'at work'. How is that working? what death rate is ok under 'workplace health and safety?
R, every feminist narrative is one or more of the following - a baseless consiracy theory (e.g. patriarchy), a fantasy, a lie, a delusion or a myth. I can think of no better book that exposes those narratives for what they are, than William Collins's "The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect" (2019). The ebook edition sells for under £5.00, from Amazon £4.32:
Collins is the sole contributor to an amazing website, "The Illustrated Empathy Gap". The index of all his pieces is here
R, thank you for your comments. Can feminists get NOTHING right? A rhetorical question, of course.
Of COURSE I can bear hearing about male violence and rape, but as an MRA I would like for there to be more media coverage of men being abused by women, and what has been known by researchers for DECADES.
Because of the 50+ year old feminist DV industry there is almost zero support for male victims of domestic violence and sexual assaults. Far more men are affected by women's assaults on them (sexual and otherwise) than is generally believed (mainly because of relentless feminist lies), which we covered in our final election manifesto, pp.45-7, 51-8.
A finding from the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (2013) - PASK13 - was that in about 58% of intimate straight relationships where there's violence, it's bi-directional. In the 42% where it's uni-directional, the perpetrators are more then twice as likely to be the woman as the man. Good luck with finding an article by Julie Bindel which reports on PASK13.
I cannot recall Ms Bindel saying or writing anything about female perpetrators of abuse in either straight or lesbian relationships. The other day I posted the following in the comments section of one of her articles, and (of course) had no response:
"Julie, why are you betraying lesbian victims of domestic abuse / violence? Why do you not denounce female perpetrators of abuse / violence, regardless of the sex of the victims?
It’s long been known that women are at a higher risk of violence from a female partner than a male partner. One of my blog pieces on the matter with a link to relevant official statistics:
The official stats accessible through that link show that a woman is almost twice as likely to have been abused (all forms, collectively) by a female partner (10.1%) than by a male partner (5.3%)."
I don't believe this. Bindel is absolutely correct about prostituion - and then she decides to smear everyone opposing the Islamic rape gangs of Britain and the assaults of Cologne, and no doubt she'll be doing the same for everyone opposing gang rape in France's ghettos. (Google "les tournantes").
This is why even the best feminists are worthless. Because when it really comes down to it, they run away.
She reported that the sex trade is nothing like that relentlessly portrayed by feminists. She owns a property portfolio, and said she'd never met a sex worker of the type radfems claim to be the norm, nor one with a pimp, but pointed out that many women enter prostitution with a drug habit and that's the only way they can earn enough money to fund the habit.
IN chch NZ The prostitution of women has seen 5 women brutally murdered 'at work'. How is that working? what death rate is ok under 'workplace health and safety?
Thank you Julie Bindel. A piece to save and quote.
As to the fellahs like Mike, below, who just cannot bear to hear about male violence and rape, he can live in his lonely dream world.
You inspire me to be a better Woman’s advocate.
Well, you can be a better one than Bindel by doing what she does, and then not running away from the subject of Islamic misogyny
R, every feminist narrative is one or more of the following - a baseless consiracy theory (e.g. patriarchy), a fantasy, a lie, a delusion or a myth. I can think of no better book that exposes those narratives for what they are, than William Collins's "The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect" (2019). The ebook edition sells for under £5.00, from Amazon £4.32:
Collins is the sole contributor to an amazing website, "The Illustrated Empathy Gap". The index of all his pieces is here
Have a nice day.
R, thank you for your comments. Can feminists get NOTHING right? A rhetorical question, of course.
Of COURSE I can bear hearing about male violence and rape, but as an MRA I would like for there to be more media coverage of men being abused by women, and what has been known by researchers for DECADES.
Because of the 50+ year old feminist DV industry there is almost zero support for male victims of domestic violence and sexual assaults. Far more men are affected by women's assaults on them (sexual and otherwise) than is generally believed (mainly because of relentless feminist lies), which we covered in our final election manifesto, pp.45-7, 51-8.
A finding from the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (2013) - PASK13 - was that in about 58% of intimate straight relationships where there's violence, it's bi-directional. In the 42% where it's uni-directional, the perpetrators are more then twice as likely to be the woman as the man. Good luck with finding an article by Julie Bindel which reports on PASK13.
I cannot recall Ms Bindel saying or writing anything about female perpetrators of abuse in either straight or lesbian relationships. The other day I posted the following in the comments section of one of her articles, and (of course) had no response:
"Julie, why are you betraying lesbian victims of domestic abuse / violence? Why do you not denounce female perpetrators of abuse / violence, regardless of the sex of the victims?
It’s long been known that women are at a higher risk of violence from a female partner than a male partner. One of my blog pieces on the matter with a link to relevant official statistics:
The official stats accessible through that link show that a woman is almost twice as likely to have been abused (all forms, collectively) by a female partner (10.1%) than by a male partner (5.3%)."
Prostitution is a scrooge women! And unhealthy for men.
I don't believe this. Bindel is absolutely correct about prostituion - and then she decides to smear everyone opposing the Islamic rape gangs of Britain and the assaults of Cologne, and no doubt she'll be doing the same for everyone opposing gang rape in France's ghettos. (Google "les tournantes").
This is why even the best feminists are worthless. Because when it really comes down to it, they run away.
Prostitution trades on the lives of women willing to sell sex for money. It's as simple as that.
At our International Conference on Men's Issues (2020) the beautiful Elizabeth Hobson, 34, - who was leader of our political party Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them) at the time - and I interviewed the impressive and funny 40-something Miss Matthews, the video title being, "My Wonderful 25 years as a Sex Worker" Enjoy!
She reported that the sex trade is nothing like that relentlessly portrayed by feminists. She owns a property portfolio, and said she'd never met a sex worker of the type radfems claim to be the norm, nor one with a pimp, but pointed out that many women enter prostitution with a drug habit and that's the only way they can earn enough money to fund the habit.
Have a nice day.
Mike Buchanan