What an extraordinarily detailed, factual, insightful and important article. I recently subscribed to The Times online partly so that I could make positive comments on Janice Turner's articles. Glad to read your favourable review of The Times generally, the only one worth reading in the UK. This article and indeed your good self = dynamite in adult female form, keep up your essential work! All the best from Herefordshire. David (XY haha)

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Another thought-provoking post. This is especially concerning for women everywhere because it is a truism that must be tackled if we are to make genuine progress toward equality: "That IPSO guidance was written in 2016, before the emergence of organised women’s groups arguing that allowing men to “self-identify” as women and claim the legal status of women might well have some consequences for those born female. Even though those groups have plainly established that there is a debate here, that there are two sides to this argument, Ipso still concerns itself with just one side. IPSO’s message to editors is clear. Upset the trans lobby and you’re in trouble. Upset the women by ignoring their worries and nothing will happen." Thanks Julie.

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How are trans people with huge fake breasts, or mastubating in bathrooms, or twerking in drag for children, or parading in womanface, or threatening women with violence and rape, “Trans people have the right to live dignified lives free of discrimination and prejudice." How is this dignified or non-discriminatory???

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Superb piece. Crisp, fast, clear, that's journalism at its best.

I greatly appreciate:

"Winterbourne is female. Graf is male. Both claim to be the opposite sex."

Not "identify" but "claim", the proper verb in a construction which should be the standard style.

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No matter your sexual preference, having an issue with transgenderism is not cool. To claim you have license otherwise because you are a lesbian is really fucked up

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You what? So it’s an ‘ism’ now? Doesn’t that just prove the point that we’re talking about an ideological movement? An ideological movement that is deliberately and cynically manipulating the young.

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And by the way, gender critical feminists are way past caring about what’s cool.

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Ginger critical anything is a self righteous pathological, way out of your lane, lack of critical thinking, intolerant and hypocritical waste of fucking time.

Who the fuck are you even think about somebody else’s labeling of themselves? You need to get a fucking life.

Well, if you actually choose to contribute, help change the corporate planet and life raping model.

As if what someone labels himself is 1/1000 of a percent as impactful to the proletariat as personal exploitation and resource capital robbery?

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Then fucking fake middle class….

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Hilarious, this is the funniest parody of woke mind virus I've read all week. Thanks for sharing your great talent for channeling it, reading this will keep me tickled pink all day.

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Agitprop sock puppet saze wut?

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No that proves that my verbiage is incorrect. Sit down and be quiet

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Do you even know what’verbiage’ means? Thanks for the mansplaining btw

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Loving *your* verbiage here, and your Stack title: 'Think like a plant' is a contender for best Stack title verbiage ever! ;)

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Your pseudo intellectual drivel is quite offputting. If you cannot approach this exchange from the standpoint of an honest broker, I’m through here. You’ve proven your personal and irrational pathology.

If you cannot defend your position, you should adopt a different position.

This is an about mansplaning. This is about reasoning with a fucking toddler….shame on me

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RemovedJun 23
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You're brilliant Huddy! Do you do live performances? I'll have to attend with an empty bladder, as my old lady prolapsed one cannot take too much sustained laughter. I may have wet myself already!

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Trans identified males came for the lesbians, attacked our sexual preference and labelled us transphobic when the issue of same-sex attraction came up! Cool post, thank you JB xx

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Well grow up. Take the moral high ground. Why bother to engage them, like that is the demographic holding you back? Please.

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I suspect you have never read Julie Bindel's work. Julie Bindel has never claimed being a lesbian allows her to criticize gender ideology. She does argue that female only spaces should be restricted to biological woman (individuals who have the female sex), and she also argues that biological men should not be allowed to take the rights biological women fought for.

Here are some substantive examples of what she believes (please correct me if I made a mistake):

1. Men should not be allowed in female prisons. Julie Bindel believes men will terrorize, and physically harm women if they are in women's prisons.

2. Men should not be allowed in women's shelters, or in rape crisis centers. The reason is Julie Bindel believes giving men access will harm women directly (women will get attacked, raped, etc.) and indirectly (women will not feel safe because they have been victims of male violence).

3. Julie Bindel believes lesbians are same sex attracted females. She believes that lesbians should not be harassed, shamed, or attacked for not wanting to date men who identify as women, non-binary, etc.

4. Julie Bindel believes that female safety should be prioritized over male feelings. In particular, she wants single sex spaces because she believes that some men will attack women or misbehave if they get access to female spaces. One recent example she gave was a women (adult human female) being in a hospital ward with a man. The man was masturbating in the next bed and the women was very uncomfortable. She has also brought up statistics showing that many women are attached while they are in the hospital.

5. Julie Bindel believes feminists, and lesbians should not be harassed or punished for their beliefs.

Basically, your argument is any criticism of transgender ideology is wrong. You also argue that Julie Bindel believes she can criticize transgender ideology because she is lesbian. Both arguments are false. As you can see above, Julie Bindel has made a lot of legitimate arguments which should be addressed.

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