I thought Kemi was truly great.

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It's incredibly relieving and encouraging to hear that a serving minister is working with the Lesbian Project in this positive way. Brilliant achievement!

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Thank you again for a great article. The wonderful feminists of Terf Island are an inspiration to those of us in Australia who are fighting this madness. A Lesbian Facebook social group I belong to was recently joined by the unpleasant man who is trying to sue Giggle founder Sal Grover. The group admins had no idea who he was, and they're woke and insist that transwomen are women, so he got through. Now I and other women are hoping he doesn't actually turn up to any events we're at. Even if the Admins wanted to turn him down, they would face the possibility of being sued, so they go along with it. In Australia lesbians cannot legally hold an event that excludes men. Our Human Rights Commission recently turned down a request for an exemption from the Sex Discrimination Act (which defines sex as gender ID) to allow a lesbian event free from men. The only way to do so is to hold a private event, which makes it hard to advertise.

Anyway, it's really good to see that Badenoch is working with The Lesbian Project. We do tend to follow the UK, a few years down the track, so your wins might eventually help us.

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New form of homophobia within the rainbow flag … never thought I’d live to see this!

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On the negative side, I was really shocked to hear that self harm (along with allegations against parents and carers) is part of the coached strategies advised trans conversion victims. It makes a morbid kind of sense but it's truly frightening. Thanks for alerting us to this. I didn't know. I have asked this before but does the Lesbian Project have resources for parents whose daughters are experiencing ROGD or what you rightly describe as conversion therapy? I would be really keen to access that or get my daughters access to that.

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Kemi was amazing. What a state of affairs when we have to praise fact and common sense. And that photo of that rapist in all his pink gear just epitomises the trans bullshit in one snapshot. 🤣

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This should apply to everyone, not just children. When somebody turns 18, they should be able to mutilate themselves due to a mental illness? Or at 30? Or at 55? Or at 80?

This is an atrocity at all ages because it’s all delusion. Adults aren’t allowed lobotomies or amputations of healthy limbs due to apotemnophilia. The whole thing is a fraud, for all ages.

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Completely agree. There aren’t enough people who recognise this point.

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Yes! If I hear one more "adults can do whatever they want!"

No, they cannot. There are a million rules about what adults can do. I would get an extremely costly ticket for driving around without a seatbelt.

These are mentally ill, delusional people telling lies about material reality, forcing others to tell lies about material reality, using a corrupt medical industry to go along with that delusion, and hurting women in the process. There is no adult right to this.

An anorexic doesn't have the right to demand liposuction. A schizophrenic doesn't have the right to force others to call him Napoleon. An apotemnophiliac doesn't have a right to an amputation (this is actually less stupid than the "trans" lie because they're chasing goals they can actually reach, meaning someone can actually become an amputee while a man cannot become a woman).

A man doesn't have the right to force the healthcare industry, all laws (from his passport to his driver's license), and women in general to tell a lie that he's a woman. Him "living his life" will result in men in women's sports, men forcing others to tell lies as required by laws (already happening with the pronouns bullshit), men in women's prisons because they still commit crime like men, and women being hurt.

These men are children, and they will never stop making demands.

So the answer is no, at all ages. This isn't "the government interfering with people's lives." This is basic reality not allowing delusion to take over, and forcing mentally ill people (specifically men) force their perversions on others.

Nobody has that right. It simply doesn't exist. None of this does.

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Julie I truly believe they are transing children and young people because they don't want them to be same sex attracted. I think this whole ideology is homophobic and if you say anything in opposition you are accused of transphobia. It is like they are the victims but really it is lesbians and gay men who are same sex attracted


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That should apply to all ages, not just children. Mentally ill adults shouldn't be allowed to mutilate themselves. Adults aren't allowed lobotomies. Adult anorexics aren't given liposuction if they weigh 80 pounds.

Delusion is delusion at all ages.

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It’s time for this medical child abusr to come to an end

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Why does no one ever mention the source of this movement? https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/gender-equality/

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