Current mood
Like a number of other women, I put up with Debbie Hayton for some time, mainly because he was a useful idiot. I was courteous to him, too much so I think. When he started speaking up about the true motivations of many of the men who claimed to be women, I was delighted and accepted the few crumbs tossed at our feet, because the environment was so desperately hostile. It was simply a matter of him being one of the best of a very bad bunch.
This is what happens when the hate, social exclusion and bullying wears you down: I’m one of those feminists that have been speaking out against gender ideology for a long time (20 years in my case). At one stage I would debate trans activists, even some of the worst such as Paris Lees. It got me into trouble, because I was not as strong or brave as I wanted to be, and when faced with manipulation and hostility, I would occasionally crumble and say things I regretted.
I soon learned there was absolutely no point in doing this, because the reasonable people that would agree to debate me would be bullied out of doing so by the more extreme transactivists.
I had been cast out from so much of polite society that any olive branch appeared more significant than it was. I should never have been as polite to Hayton as I was, such as the time I saw him at a journalism party and chatted to him and his wife for what felt like hours (five minutes in reality), when in fact my heart was breaking for her and I wanted to tell Hayton he was vile.
Anyway, when Hayton published his book, I decided to invite him onto my podcast, because I wanted to ask him some difficult questions. I did ask those difficult questions. But again, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him what I really thought, which is that he gives me the creeps. I say this not to be cruel but to be honest. Of course a man who dresses as a woman and admits to getting sexual satisfaction from that would give me the creeps – there would be something wrong with me if it didn’t.
Anyway, Hayton has now written a piece slagging off JK Rowling for pointing out that a male referee is a male referee. He had the nerve to say that her tone was somewhat different from her original essay that kicked off all the hatred against her, and it exposed him clearly and plainly as a misogynist. Now that Hayton is exposed as the ultimate transactivist that he always was, I can stop pretending he’s not as bad as the others. Today, I sent him a DM on Twitter, telling him exactly what I thought of his grubby little article, and of himself. It’s a lesson: I don’t believe in cruelty, and I refuse to go along with some of those in this so-called “movement” and deride people for their appearance, for example. But I will not do the polite thing anymore, because I’m sick and tired of it. And should any “reasonable” transactivist approach me at an event in the future and asks for a selfie with me, I will tell them to sod off.
A creepy man
Our original instincts usually turn out to be exactly right, don’t they!
As far as the football ref is concerned, I leave it in the skilful hands of the world's most successful living author to comment...
"Crossdressing straight men are currently one of the most pandered-to demographics in existence, and women are under no obligation to applaud the people caricaturing us’. We must all have the right to call a man a man."