'Sex change surgery is unnecessary mutilation'
As I argued, against four transactivists, in front of a live BBC Radio 4 audience back in July 2007
A little bit of history from the gender wars. I was so scared before the debate I had to go to the bathroom to splash water on my face and do deep breathing. Unfortunately, loads of trans identified men were also in there, sprucing up their makeup. After the debate, three separate trans identified women lifted up their t shirts to show me their double mastectomy scars. It is not something I ever wish to repeat:
Not only is it mutilation, and not distinguishable from masochism, the post op oriface they call a "neovagina" doesn't work. I've always assumed that a reticence of the general public to discuss sex specifics prevents us from explaining and being heard regarding the actual function of labia, clitoris, vulva and vagina. The engorgement, lubrication and elasticity of the vagina cannot occur in a tube fashioned out of an inverted penis. The male organ, like all other body parts, varies in size. Those of us heterosexual girls who've been in a few relationships know this. I therefore know that the "neovagina" the surgeon contrived from my former husband's penis in 1996, when he was around 40, could not have accommodated a "larger built" male sex partner. He dated a few men, reportedly, but then entered a relationship and a marriage with a much younger woman. They call themselves a lesbian couple. Neddy also names himself the 'mother' of the sons he's father of. The diagnosing psychologist (one appt, July 20, 1993) claimed in court that "any distress" our children express has to do with my refusal to accommodate his new identity and stay in the marriage. By now, he's had his third surgery for the breast implants. They have to be replaced every 10 years. They've gotten bigger each time, of course. I understand exactly your fears, Julie. They are determined to erase us.
Personally, I don't care if a man wants to cut off his dick and have a “fake vagina.” Plenty of men with a micropenis were bullied as kids, insulted by women they loved and despised their penis. So they changed the body they hated. That's not much different than the millions of women who are told they're defective for having small breasts who stuff silicone in their chests to feel better about themselves. (Kids can't consent, of course, and I don't want to pay for a man's elective surgery.) What's important to me is how the rest of society reacts. Trans activists think mimicking women should give a man female sex-based rights. We're in a course correction on that right now in the US.
Women grow new humans. Our vagina is a source of pleasure, with our internal clitoris wrapping it's loving arms around it. It removes discarded eggs and the lining of our uterus every month, creating opportunity for renewal. Most importantly, it is a birth canal for the new humans our bodies can create. Magic!
Isn't it just like men to think about out bodies as just receptacles for their lust and sperm? Women are not dickless men. We are unique and distinct in our own right. The surgery male transgenders get should not be called a “neovagina.” A vagina has a purpose in the female reproductive system. When doctors put an inverted penis up a hole between a man's legs, we should call that structure with a name that does not degrade the amazing function of a vagina. We are reclaiming the language of women's bodies.
To that end, we have written a US federal bill that redefines a lot of the words trans activists have been using to degrade women's rights. “Neo vagina” is one of those, along with “chest feeding” and others. We call the inverted penis structure created by a doctor a mas cavum, Latin for man hole. The bill has a lot of these clever gems. We shopped our bill to elected Democrats but they wouldn't even read it. So we gave it to Republicans. Trump's executive order on sex and gender is very similar to our bill, except ours is much more extensive. For instance, “top surgery” is defined as a duplicitous, deceptive phrase used to minimize the irreversible damage caused by amputation of healthy breasts. If Republicans pass our bill, any doctor who lies to a child and her parents with the phrase “top surgery” will be liable for damages.
If you'd like to help get this bill enacted, contact me via Substack messaging. UK folks, we'd like to share our approach with you as well. You may need to establish the right to free speech first.