A bunch of violent men that need locking up, with other violent men!! Thanks for the update, women and girls are being made more unsafe by perverts, enablers and the police are CLEARLY, not our friend - stay safe! XX

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It's just so shocking that they won't let medical professionals, women and all those concerned about the effects of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones speak. The police should have intervened earlier and I hope this incident is raised in HoC next week

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They all need arresting they are simply bullies

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Ritchie Herron (the one who spoke about his regrets at undergoing hormone treatment and genital surgery) said that a group of London builders intervened to try and ensure safe passage for the people entering the building. Wow. Scaffolders for sex-based rights!

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So now women can't even come to a woman's website without rabid anti-feminist MRAs who hate women and yet still like to laugh at us, barging in with their nonsense.

Oh dearie dearie me, the problems that men create for themselves are so much worse than the problems they create for women. Poor poor men.

After all, "What about Men?" Why aren't women automatically nice and caring towards them? https://youtu.be/zR39RBydVyM

I guess they're so weak, poverty-stricken and powerless they can't even make shelters and other things they claim they need for themselves, implying that women should do these things for them.

Totally illogical. Maybe they should see the male therapists they've paid to train. Or maybe they could talk to the men that insist all men have MGM, rather than expecting women to be particularly concerned about men's penises.

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Hi Leonie. "... rabid ... MRAs who hate women". A projection, perhaps, of your own misandry, and that of all feminists? Miserable angry men-hating women and girls are drawn to feminism - the pursuit of female supremacy - like moths to a flame, invariably (and inevitably) becoming yet more dysfunctional as a result. Well, you've made your bed, you can lie in it.

In stark contrast, I have never met a female anti-feminist who wasn't happy and well-adjusted, and who had good relationships with both men and women. I recommend a short video by the delightful Janice Fiamengo - keynote speaker at the next International Conference on Men's Issues http://icmi2024.icmi.info - and one of three female speakers at the event, "Why I Am Still An Anti-Feminist". Enjoy (video, 4:59):


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Julie, I totally sympathise with you about police inaction. It's scandalous. But feminists themselves have a long history of trying to silence those they don't agree with.

MRAs have seen police inaction time and again. When the police are active it's to stop us doing things e.g. when I was arrested in Parliament Square for protesting about the criminal injustice system doing nothing about Male Genital Mutilation (performing which is a crime under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861, being at least ABH and almost certainly GBH).

In 2019, despite the best efforts of Cambridge University feminists (male and female students, 'academics', alumni) to have the talks cancelled, Elizabeth Hobson https://j4mb.org.uk/elizabeth-hobson-2-2/ and I gave talks. Elizabeth's tak was titled, "The History of Feminism":


Mine was titled, "Equal Rights for Men and Women":


Obviously the feminists didn't want people to hear what we had to say, and they resorted to forming a threatening mob blocking the entrance to the lecture block - in central Cambridge - and banging on pots and pans to make a racket in a futile attempt to drown us out. We dubbed them the Cambridge University Noisy Twats Society, the acronym seemed fitting.

The police were nowhere to be seen at any stage. They even failed to turn up to arrest the feminist woman who milkshaked me earlier in the day, who was apprehended by one of our lady supporters, Natty. She had the presence of mind to record the matter on her iPhone, which resulted in this comedy gold (video, 4:32):


Have a nice day.

Mike Buchanan

JUSTICE FOR MEN & BOYS http://j4mb.org.uk

LAUGHING AT FEMINISTS http://laughingatfeminists.com

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You're one of those bread-bro dudes, aren't you? The ones responsible for sourdough pizza crust and other uber macho, bearded man-bun type oppressions of ethnically appropriate baked goods?

How DARE you (and your ilk) be responsible for poor Julie having to eat bread that "cuts [her] mouth to ribbons with its razor-sharp crust" and then whine about genital mutilation? Have you no sense of proportion, you . . . you . . . PERVERT!!!

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Telegraph article on this matter:


A statement by the Metropolitan Police said: “At 9.45 a group attempted to gain access to an event in Euston Square – they were prevented from doing so by police. The event has proceeded without disruption. A smoke flare was set off in the crowd in Euston Square. No reported injuries or damage.”

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Surely Julie just didn't have that information or she wouldn't have written "[p]olice fail to act, as per bloody usual." Perhaps she hasn't seen the article you're referencing. Just in case your link doesn't work for her, this article can also be found at:


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Thanks - did JB add that article after I posted a link to it, do you think? And if the police denied the protesters access to the building, how does JB's video make any sense? #Confused.com

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GOOD LORD!!! You mean there are people OTHER THAN FEMINISTS who behave like belligerent children when people say things they don't like? That's, like . . . idk, cultural appropriation or patriarchy or something.

And what were they protesting, exactly? Was it anything as demonic and oppressive as bread-bro culture? WERE THERE MAN BUNS?!?!?

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