Thanks for this and for all you have been doing regarding this issue for most of your lifetime. I just turned 67 in August. With the perspective of all of that time, I feel really sickened by where we are now in terms of women and the treatment of women. I feel very sad and angry about this. I worry about the younger women coming up. Sometimes young women actually seem interested in my perspective. I try to practice resilience and to encourage these young ones to do the same. You embody resilience to me. I am so glad you are in this world, especially at this time. I send you all the energy and feeling of sisterhood at this moment. Stay strong. I am trying to do that as well with my own circle of women. 🙏

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Thank you and spot on JB, Pornhub is a shameful and bloody stain on OUR history - destroy destroy destroy!

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We need more women to post on all their social media how monstrueux is this evil site! We need to raise awareness and it will happen!

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Julie Bindel's Substack website is monstrous and evil? A good point, well made. Thanks.

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I meant Pornhub as everyone understood but you because probably your dishonesty is so deep…

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Amazing isn’t it how someone like Calvin Robinson gets barred from GB news whereas sickening sites like Pornhub operate with impunity. I guess it’s all the men like Mike here on this thread defending the abuse, protecting their own need use women, attempting to gaslight by pretending that women have never been oppressed. Men get what men want. The digital age has truly f**ked women over. Incels and pedos get to collaborate.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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In an earlier comment I posited that all radical feminists are certifiably insane, referencing Andrea Dworkin. Another obvious example of an insane feminist would be the late Kate Millett, authoress of the absurd "Sexual Politics" (1970).

At the 2020 International Conference on Men's Issues http://icmi2020.icmi.info, Elizabeth Hobson https://j4mb.org.uk/elizabeth-hobson-2-2/, Belinda Brown and I interviewed Mallory Millett, Kate's younger sister. 80 years old at the time of our interview, Mallory repeated that Kate had tried to kill her "many times":


In her article "Marxist Feminism's Ruined Lives" https://mallorymillett.com/?p=37 Mallory related her experience of a meeting led by Kate in New York, it takes up the remainder of this comments block:

It was 1969. Kate invited me to join her for a gathering at the home of her friend, Lila Karp. They called the assemblage a “consciousness-raising-group,” a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Maoist China. We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:

“Why are we here today?” she asked.

“To make revolution,” they answered.

“What kind of revolution?” she replied.

“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.

“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.

“By destroying the American family!” they answered.

“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.

“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.

“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.

“By taking away his power!”

“How do we do that?”

“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.

“How can we destroy monogamy?”

Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.

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Get some help. You feminists are diabolically possessed. Literally.

Self abnegation is the name of the game.

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No James, they hold the line and record women’s history. They provide theory and some explanation to why we face oppression. When you are a young woman you wonder why this shite is happening, how you can reconcile it. You can’t imagine what that feels like. But you don’t care because you were born a man.

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Reena, are you a 'comedian'? If so, you're on fire today!!!

Feminists "hold the line and record women's history"? Hilarious!!! If you want to know the truth about feminist corruption of history, you couldn't do better than check out 39 videos by Professor Janice Fiamengo:


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if pornography is war on women then it is the case that women are at front and centre of that war on women. Women are heavily involved in the production and consumption of pornography as well as profiting from it. I could give numerous examples but one will suffice.

The very lovely Stormy Daniels, by her own testimony, parted her knees to accommodate the very lovely Donald J. Trump. She had, up until then, been profiting from the 'adult film' industry as an 'actress'. Her given reason for accommodating the very lovely Donald J. Trump was that she hoped that he would help her to move into production side of the 'industry'. On the basis of her testimony she hoped to profit from the provision of sexual services to DJT, which makes her a prostitute.

As an aside the very lovely Stormy Daniels alleges that DJT paid her to keep quiet about their liaison and that she accepted said payment. A blackmailer says to their victim” if you don't pay up I will spill the beans on you" or words to that effect. Allegedly the very lovely Stormy Daniels said "I'll keep quiet if you pay up" or words to that effect. Not much difference between Stormy and a blackmailer. And it appears that she spilled the beans anyway, even though she got the cash, which is what blackmailers often do. By her own admission the very lovely Stormy Daniels broke a contract. Has she returned the cash? Not likely.

Unless you persuade the very lovely Stormy Daniels, and the thousands of women like her to get out of the business, you are going to have pornography with you forever. Not to mention the millions of women who consume pornography.

Blaming de Menz for everything is at best simplistic

David Challen, a campaigner against male violence towards women and girls, is a mixed up young man. His father was violently murdered by his mother. After the murder his mother proclaimed her love for her dead husband. She also claimed that the victim abused her. That's no excuse for murder. Her husband was unable to defend himself as she had silenced him. David Challen would be better campaigning against all violence, male or otherwise.

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To start by stating my position.

I don't like porn, because I consider it a degrading element in human life. As for rape, I've known people who've had that experience, (both male and female), so I know from what they told me how traumatising it is and how long the trauma lasts.

Having said that... Julie Bindell here is conflating two things, both bad, one of which does not necessarily cause the other. Julie Bindell is guilty of using over-simplified--and therefore almost certainly wrong--logic.

Of course, it may be that Julie Bindell is using the Buddhist 'principle of mutual arising'. The formal definition of which is: 'There is A, therefore there is also B. There is C, therefore there is also D.' But that wasn't clear from the article.

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Hopefully readers will be aware David Challen is the man whose mother killed his father through 20+ blows to his head with a hammer, carried in her handbag during her drive to his house.

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Yeah because women’s violence is oh so common isn’t it Mike. What did we miss? Why do I feel safer when a women walks behind me on a dark night rather than a man. Who sexually assaulted me - did I just imagine that it was a penis haver ? Perhaps all along it’s been women with strap ones raping and pillaging throughout history! What a revelation Mike the man.

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Predictable hysterical feminist nonsense. I guess that like all feminists you claim to have been sexually assaulted by one or more men. William Collins shows (from official stats) in "The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect" that a minimum of 77% of rape allegations made by women to the police are false.

Women's violence IS common, thanks for giving me the opportunity to say more on the subject:

1. A woman is more likely to be abused by a partner in a lesbian relationship than in a heterosexual relationship, according to official statistics:


2. The website of the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project 2013 (PASK13):


The final report was published in May 2013 in the journal Partner Abuse and is the most comprehensive review of domestic violence research ever carried out. This unparallelled three-year research project was conducted by 42 scholars at 20 universities and research centres. The headline finding of the PASK review was that:

"Men and women perpetrate physical and non-physical forms of abuse at comparable rates, most domestic violence is mutual, women are as controlling as men, domestic violence by men and women is correlated with essentially the same risk factors, and male and female perpetrators are motivated for similar reasons."

A key numerical result from the PASK review was:

"Among large population samples, 57.9% of intimate-partner violence (IPV) reported was bi-directional, 42.1% unidirectional, 13.8% of the unidirectional violence was male-to-female, 28.3% was female-to-male."

The last point is worth emphasising. In the 42.1% of (heterosexual) couples in which one partner is always the perpetrator and the other the victim, the woman is TWICE as likely to be the perpetrator and (therefore) half as likely to be the victim.

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In common with all radical feminists, the late Andrea Dworkin was certifiably insane (or would have been in a sane society i.e. one in which feminism didn't exist). Every radical feminist narrative, including the narratives on pornography and rape, is one or more of the following - a baseless conspiracy theory (e.g. patriarchy), fantasy, lie, delusion or myth.

Have a nice day, ladies.

Mike Buchanan


(because men's rights are human rights)



(because it's a civic duty)



(because appointing more women to corporate boards leads to financial decline)


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So, rather than address the appalling abuse of women that is pornography, you attack the women who expose it. Have you read Andrea Dworkin or Gail Dines on pornography? Do you feel proud to identify as a man with the acts that they document? Those acts are not fantasy, lie, delusion or myth. And if there’s a better explanation of pornography than the systematic oppression of women by men that is patriarchy, I haven’t come across it. Pornography is not a human right for men, and it’s no laughing matter.

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He’s just an a-hole. A perfect example of the type of gross man we are up against. Finds one example of a woman battering a man on the head and then claims that women are the perpetrators of violence and equally oppressive. Yet where are the feminists who state that men should be taken off corporate boards, or that men who are raped/abused were happy to sell their bodies for cash? Like he stands for? If women carried out a tenth of the attacks that men have on women there would be 1000 times the amount of ‘revenge on women’ attacks carried out by men.

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And his one example is of a woman who had suffered years of being coercively controlled by an abusive husband.

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That's what she said. No excuse though. Victim blaming.

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"Pornography ... the systematic oppression of women by men that is patriarchy." Now that IS a laughing matter and of course denies that (a) women have moral agency, and (b) choices have consequences. You could of course replace the word "pornography" with "prostitution" and it would be equally ridiculous and hilarious.

Is there a better explanation of pornography? Of course. Men pay for sex with women, always have done. Feminists have long equated marriage with prostitution (how did Jenni Murray reconcile herself to that when she married?) Porn and prostitution and marriage are easy routes to money for women, so it follows that many women are attracted to them. Why don't these women become lesbian engineers instead, you might well ask?

Elizabeth Hobson and I interviewed Miss Matthews, an OnlyFans model and former sex worker, for the 2020 International Conference on Men's Issues http://icmi2020.icmi.info. She provided the title for the video, "My Wonderful 25 Years as a Sex Worker":


Alan, you need to strap on a pair and stop reading feminist garbage. Maybe subscribe (no cost) to Professor Janice Fiamengo's SubStack channel https://fiamengofile.substack.com/. The good professor has an IQ in excess of all the world's radical feminists, combined. She's going to be the keynote speaker at next year's International Comference on Men's Issues, Budapest, which I'll be hosting along with Paul Elam, the founder of A Voice for Men http://avoiceformen.com (also worth checking out).

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Dworkin, Dines and Bindel are very good at using extremes when pointing out bad culture. When they mention "Hustler", it is very often the "meat grinder" pic that's on the table. And when talking about porn in general, it's often the "being railed through by ten men" situation. Which makes no effort in trying to understand the reason 70 % of men and 30 % of women consume porn in some form or another. Or the reason people volunteer in producing porn or joining – and staying – in the industry, even when they have other options. Like the people interviewed here: https://www.youtube.com/@HollyRandallUnfiltered/videos Believing porn is the proof of hostile patriarchal culture is as disingenious as thinking horror movies are clear evidence of male violence as a whole. Methink.

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U encapsulate the very type of man who women are speaking out against. You are an incel.

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Hilarious. Feminist 'humour' at its finest, worthy of Kate Smurfwit. Two obvious questions arise:

1. How would you know whether or not I'm an incel?

2. What's your problem with incels, anyway?

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Great article. Thank you for posting. One very important correction: Hentai is simply animated Japanese porn. It involves animations of adults but also fetish material. I don’t know about the depictions of children you described; perhaps that is a subgenre.

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