So grateful for this episode Julie. A voice to stand beside her on the important elements of this case gives me heart when I need it most. Well done both of you

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Great discussion. Sending solidarity to Amy. Would love to hear JB interview the CEO of our nursing and midwifery regulator

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I don't believe in biology. It just is - as inevitable as death. And I don't believe that 'one is not born a woman, one becomes a woman', it's an interesting turn of phrase by de Beauvoir but I don't believe a word of it. On naît femme, et on est femme.

I am reading Sharon Davies' book - always interested in reading female authors who are 5'11 and more, like me. The health regulatory colleges in Canada are behaving like the IOC of that era when they were all males and ladies who questioned the off-chart results of East-German swimmers we deemed to be hysterical and difficult complainers. The Olympics never recovered, though the IOC started to take this seriously when male competitors were affected, and it took years.

I will be keeping you in my thoughts, Amy Hamm.

Loraine, a Trans Widow

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Just an fyi re the intro: It's not Amy Hamm's employer, and it's not the equivalent of the NHS. It's the professional college that regulates her license which she needs to work for ANY employer, the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I ❤ JK Rowling...I thought "love is love"!?

Yes to feminist mouth guards!

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I loved this. Thank you!

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Brilliant conversation. Thanks Julie for bringing Amy's case to our awareness. I really admire her determination to stick it out. Talking about the personal impact of such struggles is so important. Standing up against injustice is always hard, especially when your livelihood is at stake. That's why trade unions were invented! It's disgraceful that all the UKs unions are against members who are gender crirical.

Solidarity and Sisterhood to you Amy, and all my best wishes and hopes for a just outcome and proper compensation for the nightmare they've put you through. ❤️

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Hi Julie and Amy! I listened to this on my commute to my nursing job. I have a similar amount of RN experience as Amy and am currently considering sitting for the IBCLC exam (to be a board certified lactation consultant), and hearing Amy’s story couldn’t come at a better time for me. I recently took to the old Facebook specialty groups for aspiring IBCLCs asking for advice on finding a program for some lactation specific education I need before applying. My question asked for recs that are fairly holistic in nature and that also use what I chose to call “female-centered language” as the gender neutral trend has impacted even the most female of spaces-the lactation support community. I realized this question may be a bit contentious, as I often write on here and on Instagram in a terfy way, but I suppose I had higher expectations for other women who have devoted themselves to supporting what is so inherently female. They called me names, compared me to a Nazi, suggested I should not be allowed to be a nurse or a lactation consultant due to my bias, insinuated that I would be rejected from this title soley because of my personal views.

I want to thank you both for sharing a story of a woman standing in integrity, because we need this more than ever. So much solidarity from a nurse, a mother who cares about other mothers, and a woman first.

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I like to imagine two normal distribution that overlap on a tail of each. I imagine the left distribution as female and the right as male. Where they overlap are those that choose who they are.

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Excellent conversation.

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