Thanks, Julie. I am so grateful for your courage and determination for all these years, at continuing to draw our attention to the dark underbelly of (mostly) male sexuality which the progressive liberal/left is so muddled about, and at a time when safeguarding children from harm from medical and other “captured” professionals has been and remains a political and legal battleground.

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Thank you Julie for shedding light on this on-going problem. Also here in the U.S.A. pedophilia has deep social, cultural roots and has often been euphemistically hidden behind the phoney cries for "Children's Liberation" as in the case of Edmund White, professor at Princeton, meaning the freedom for men to rape children or by promoting pedophilia disguised behind the push to lower the "age of consent" to give men access to minors. Those who criticize instances of pedophilia are often smeared as purveyors of "moral panic." See: Bill Andriette pro- pedophile activist, "The Guide Interviews Camille Paglia" and historian David Thorstad, nambla.

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Calling child rape “child liberation” is awful, evil, and wrong. Calling people who fight to protect children “purveyors of moral panic” is evil, and just a way for criminals to justify sexually abusing children.

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Excellent article. Thank you Julie for your dedication and persistence.

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There is a strange divide between two types of pedophiles: those who seem to know and accept that pedophilia is wrong and try to hide their predilection and those who think pedophilia should be accepted and work to pubically promote it. Or do the latter group know it's wrong but think the public is so gullible that we can be brainwashed into supporting anything?? People like Harriet Hartman and Jack Dromey, knowing that lowering Age of Consent was just a cover for pedophiles rights - are such people completely unethical opportunists or just stupid??

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Thank you Julie Bindel. This was a hard article to read. That being said, these child abusing men are evil, and I strongly suspect that they cause a huge amount of damage to children. The worst part is the damage is not just from the abuse itself. The abuse stays with the victim for years after the abuse stops, and can cause a huge amount of damage for decades. What angers me the most is how they refuse to admit they are gravely harming, and in some cases destroying the lives of their victims. The only solution I see is to lock these men up for life (they clearly will not change), or to execute them. If they can get free, they will go and find more children to harm, and that harm will often last for decades, or a lifetime.

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Sorry off topic from the main body of the article but do you have more info on Conway Hall banning feminists from hiring the venue?

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