That's so cool. What a legend!

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I like her so much, Julie but was disheartened to see her believing the Palestinian press. Nothing they say is true.

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Palestinian Press speak their truth...

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Oh, please. I am a scholar on the Middle East.

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Katherine...don't. You are not a "scholar" on the middle east. But your bigotry towards the Arab people and particularly Palestinians is rearing it's nasty head. Throwing a negative blanket remark out about any people promotes bigotry and hatred. True scholars are more responsible than that. As a Lebanese woman who has watched the air massacres of civilian towns in Lebanon then Jordan and the subsequent "spin lies" in the press to cover it up....I know first hand that lying is what oppressors do to cover up their violent truths. So sad that you have been raised to think with prejudice about my people. The next time someone makes a blanket statement about your culture or takes an anti-semitic position with you...remember what you said today about others.

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You are not a scholar, Sulliman. I have no bigotry towards any person other than people who try to push a "Palestine" narrative when there has never been a country called Palestine. I know and understand the history of the Middle East. Calling someone an 'oppressor' when there is absolutely no proof of that is a bigoted person. I dare you to have an actual discussion with me.

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Katherine, calling someone by their last name in this tone is lateral violence. "Pushing a Palestinian narrative" sounds like anti-arab rhetoric to any third person reading this. It's interesting that you personally identified with a general comment about oppressors. You sound young and eager for a fight...using playground words like "dare". Such a toxic mindset. Prior to the formation of Israel in 1948, the territory was the “Palestinian Mandate”, a protectorate of Great Britain. Prior to 1918, the territory was entirely within the Ottoman Empire and was essentially an Arab province of the Turkish Empire. And while I have your attention, young lady, the planet is one...for all humans. There are no real boundaries...just imagined ones that men and their wars have drawn.


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Palestinians don't have a history that goes back 1000 years. In the 1930s they were called South Syrians, as most were recent Syrian arrivals. Neither peoples want a binational state.

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What a wonderful interview. If someone with such a high public profile can stand up for what they believe we all can. Thank you both for everything you do.

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