This is too amazing. Her views about the left are precise. I wish my own friends could hear her account and objectivity. Very inspiring listening to how articulate she is. I hope when Hollywood calls the movie version is half as good as this.

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This is Maia from the podcast. I’m glad you enjoyed my take on the left and I too hope that your friends can begin to consume heterodox information and learn to work through cognitive dissonance. I’ve never considered a movie about my life, but you know anyone with connections in Hollywood we could make it a reality 😂

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I do know some but I am no big shot. Let's see what happens if I lead them here. Best I can do.

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Let’s see what happens!

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If they can remake Ghostbusters with a new cast, they can remake Yentl. A movie that gets very few references today despite being all about gender, and staring Barbara Streisand too.

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Hello Maia, I have a very very similar personal story to you, I moved to Israel and passed as male for several years and have now desisted and identify as a butch lesbian, I'm 25. I would really love to connect personally if you're interested

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Oh my g-d we have to connect!

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Dm-ed you!!

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Good grief. She and I as children have so much in common. I'm so grateful I am in my sixties now, because I would probably have fallen for all this if it had been around then.

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This is extraordinary. Thank you!!

Really brings me back to when I was a teenager and fantasised what it would be like if I could only be one of the guys religiously speaking . I would like to restack this to my subscribers on Heterodox Jewish Woman.

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Thank you so much for re-Stacking this so I could see it!

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I am so excited to help make these connections. It's what I was hoping for when I launched my substack. When Pesach is behind us, I would love to have a chat with you and/or Maia about the Jewish dimension of this.

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Hi. Have you seen Aaron Kimberley's new podcast? There is a great conversation there on the first episode. Three of the five lesbians in the room are Jewish. https://substack.com/home/post/p-146121709

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Wow .. what a great piece of journalism on an entirely unique, educational and very brave journey . Thank you for sharing this and raising my awareness. 💖

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Thank you Maia. I was mesmerized.

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