How miserable to think that nothing has changed in the last ten years. Things have worsened for women.

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I think that no political party is the "home" of feminism. right left or a middle, neither of them . feminism is its own home

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When Jacobin magazine was just getting off the ground and its originators were still working out of their apartments, I subscribed. The organization lost my check and their subscription department was in chaos. The subscription department at that time was located in what I was told by Bhaskar Sunkara, one of the originators, was the chaos of his apartment. I learned this in an exchange I had with him (I can't remember now if it was email or telephone) to sort it out. It was finally sorted but later their computer screwed up my info and in subsequent years completing a renewal never worked. After several emails detailing the problem but with no solution, I gave up. They still send me renewal notices or the occasional newsletter. In that exchange I mentioned above with Sunkara, I asked him about his support for prostitution and pornography. He answered that there would be no change in their position as the men who are in charge wouldn't like it. I no longer read the publication beyond the occasional link found on the site of www.nakedcapitalism.com, a site itself not always congenial for women (especially with respect to their refusal to cover the trans issue), even though headed by a woman., who although critical of many aspects of the identity movement, still celebrates it. Still, it is a worthwhile site for a daily and historical overview of political, environmental, scientific, and cultural affairs. With respect to Jacobin, I checked this morning and I see that there are a number of women in positions of authority. How many are committed feminists I have no idea. I doubt they or the men have deviated from the prescribed doctrines that receive the imprimatur of the men. I am still committed to the Left but it has become harder and harder to stomach the views of mainstream Liberals and the Left broadly regarding the issues essential to the well-being of women and girls. I often ask myself if they can be so wrong about us, what else are they getting wrong.

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Completely agree. In US here, I briefly was a Green around early 2000’s & volunteered for local office. Tried to volunteer for this or that in office but all slots were taken by men. I realized what they wanted me for was to host (& cater with my own food & drinks ofc) meetings in my home for them & new recruits. That was my sole allowed role. - Homemaker basically.

I quit ofc.

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A depressing litany indeed. It' s so important these things are said. So thank you for saying them. I'm not sure what you mean, when you say that you 'won't move right'. I don't really see what moving left or right has to do with fighting sexism. Are they not orthogonal? Or is there a reason to believe that left-wing ideology is intrinsically anti-sexist, if done properly? I don't know what the argument would be.

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Why do women (and people of colour) have to wait until the revolution to be accorded respect and equal rights? Are these not good policies to adopt now, without having to wait for the overthrow of capitalism? Let’s make a start with equality anyway, chaps, and see if that gets us that little bit closer to accomplishing the Revolution.

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Great piece. Galloway in particular has been an open misogynist since I first met him 43 years ago. It didn't hurt his career until the rape comments. I have also had many arguments with men on the Left about misogynist comments about Thatcher. I've also found myself in the unusual position of defending Laura Kuenssberg from similarly unsavoury "criticism".

It hasn't shifted my class politics, but it has sharpened my critique of hypocritical left misogyny.

Love your work Julie. All solidarity.

Paul Madill

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If all those men are “left” what is “left”?

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I'm with you every step of the way but this: Julian's accuser's being of precisely the same ilk critiqued here does little to persuade one of the reductionist take of this allegation. Neither does deeper research into his history and the alleged event itself, from a man overwhelmingly threatening to said patriarchal creeps. If this level of consideration (proof required for an assumption of guilt) is thought to be a right wing take we might well do with a bit more nuance.

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A great article and thanks so much for quoting and listing the evidence.I am now 74 and found things to be exactly as described throughout my life ( in the NUT, in the way my abuser was seen and dealt with by police etc( or not dealt with!!), attitudes to Tory women politicians, when I worked with the military, with my brief encounter with SWP! and the blind acceptance of inherent sexism in other religions.I haven't covered the other ideological Trans controversy which our friend JKRowling is battling.Seems to me that is just a continuation of the embedded sexism and misogyny which you have outlined so well.Thank you so much.There are so my women that think they are feminists but do very little real thinking or analysis of what it means, what their personal history has been and the real life examples of how it has affected their lives.You are great.Thanks so much.

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My wife is from a Muslim country and it is both so-called progressive men and women who criticise her for being too critical of Islam and her own cultural background. Germaine Greer was very critical of Salmon Rushdie for being being culturally insensitive. So it is not just men but barking mad identity politics where only white straight males can be the villains which is responsible.

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