<<I was informed, by a young man, that I am “an old white woman”, to which I responded that we all get old if we are lucky, and he would also one day be old and (still) white, unless he died of excessive wanking in his mother’s basement.>> Excellent. Made me laugh outloud.

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Julie, I do admire your patience and forbearance as they screamed like banshees, determined to down out anything you said. They may even live long enough to be embarrassed about their behaviour. I suppose that when someone has no valid argument against reality and science, all they have left is screaming into the void.

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And still a man to boot 🤣

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It sounds like a cross between a primary school music lesson and a boarding kennels

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That is hilarious and true 😂😂😂

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Also very creepy and culty, like some mad villagers about to put some poor soul in a Wicker Man!

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They’re even more unhinged than I expected.

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Amongst their weaponry are insanity & surprise 🤷‍♂️

Hope you had a nice Comfy Chair, Julie!

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They look like a bunch of malnourished incels who haven't left their bedrooms in years and need a good dose of vitamin D (and a thorough wash). Repellent.

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Ironically, bizarrely, men have always been able discriminate against women, to keep women out of "men's" shelters on the grounds that women's safety would be in jeopardy if women were in residence with men. Now men say it's ridiculous to suppose that men in intimate women's spaces pose any threat to women. Of course, men have always endorsed, enforced discrimination against women FOREVER, whether keeping women out of professions, schools, sports, jobs. On what grounds? That women pose a threat to men's safety? That women are inferior and would lower their standards? More likely that it would interfere with restricting women to serving men's needs and desires.

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I was describing this showdown to a friend, saying how Julie has seen such depravity in her journalistic career, that there's no way she'd have done anything else but walk outside to attempt to talk to them. Futile, sadly.

As an immigrant to Canada who had spent blood, sweat and tears in order to get my citizenship, there was something peculiar about them shouting "You're not welcome here!" as I was walking in. I've never experienced it in this form. After being born and raised in wartime Yugoslavia, it's also like I've exchanged one form of misogyny with another. Can't believe this bunch of tossers almost made me change my plans for the evening and missing out on giving you a hug. 💜

Thank you so much again for all you do and for being here.

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I’m coming with you next time to bounce these arseholes off the pavement . How dare they do this to you . How dare they do that to any woman . Mentally unwell confused men using their strength and speed and online confidence . Fuck off .. just fuck off all of you and get your prostrates checked …

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catch LWS rally in Scotland the other day online ; so vile hearing males screaming down women and ONE very brave woman dares challenge neocon propaganda saying they are inclusive and liberal? They echo the ye old Puritan witch hunters - new witch trials posing -

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Are we honestly meant to believe this lot are the ones being oppressed? Their entitlement stinks.

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Now we see the violence inherent in the system! Help Help!

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Oh, to commit the sin of being female, then white and to not have somehow died after menopause didn't sit well with him. It is the insult du jour though.

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Good for you Julie for keeping your calm.

That was the most amazing group of idiots. Truly silly people unaware of how dangerous they are.

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So many shades of mental illness, on full display here.

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I read one of their posters as ‘Trans people are not a treat’ …and found myself agreeing. Then I saw the missing ‘h’ 😀

What a shower of ridiculous inadequates.

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Sadly, women are so hard-wired to mate and bear children with the likes of these men, that young women aren't able to see how incredibly toxic their behaviour is. Instead, they dismiss older women's concerns as unfounded and ask us to be kind. Even though we're literally saving their future from complete trans takeover.

Thank you so much for enduring so much abuse on our behalf. Please know that I lived closer to you, I would be there by your side.

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I appreciate what you're saying, and especially echo your last two sentences -- thank you, Julie and the other women at the event! But I don't think young women are necessarily hard-wired towards these kinds of men, but they are definitely indoctrinated, and if the indoctrination starts young enough, it's as good as hard-wired. I think this sad state of affairs is the result of the centuries and centuries of a divide and conquer campaign - divide the loyalties women have with one another and between generations and replace them with a Stockholm syndrome version of loyalty to men and male pursuits. Even to the point of being handmaidens to toxic clowns like those trans activists.

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I assume they are talking about Marsha P Johnson (who died for our sins). Malcom Michaels Jr. self-identified as a drag queen, and by his own admission did not arrive at the stonewall riots till many a brick had been thrown. Though the first brick thrown is still a point of contention, some credit Stormé Delarvarie, a butch lesbian who also had a drag act. If they name Sylvia Rivera as the one who blessed us with our rights, I challenge them to justify the impassioned misogyny Rivera displayed in every speech and interview.

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I watched it on Twitter and they were barking at you, waving flags to avoid the camera capturing what was happening etc. Their refusal to answer your questions was staggering as was their privilege! Your patience is remarkable - I might have organised a mass neutering of all the canine protesters.

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