As one such parent [in the US, who didn't medicalize my daughter, but she took illegal "T" at 16, sent from the UK, stopped when I found out, and is now taking "T" at 18, prescribed to her on a second visit, against my wishes], I greatly appreciate your efforts!!! Indeed, what will it take to stop this medical scandal?

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This is heartbreaking 💔

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Thank you, Julie. This is so needed.

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Looking forward to this Julie.

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Thank you, Julie.

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Listened to the whole thing and was completely blown away. To hear a podcast that makes room for the voices of parents was like feeling rain in the desert. Thank you so much Julie. And thank you to all the parents who contributed (and everyone else of course!). I know though that it cannot have been easy for the parents to talk about this - for all sorts of reasons. I truly truly appreciate your work on this podcast Julie ❤️x

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This is absolutely brilliant! This has inspired me to give testimony to the commission on women in my state in the US. Thank you so much!

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I always thought I was a man trapped in a woman's body but was blocked from the sex change route by my GP due to having a mental health diagnosis and being sectioned. Many years later it turns out I am female autistic. The trans lobby are just a self serving political agenda and are (by design I believe) making things worse for both women and transgender people so causing the backlash and divide and rule. THe solution will be served up further down the line and it will be harsh , noahide laws or sharia , a new authoritarian agenda is unfolding .. https://callystarforth.substack.com/p/she-knows-the-game

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