This was clearly bullying. You got her side of the story much better than the National papers did. It’s interesting that her anorexia gave her insight into trans young people. I hope she makes it too Uni and doesn’t get hounded there.

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Absolutely disgusting bullying. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to take a long look at themselves and what they think they are 'defending' in this manner

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total bullying, btw, love that you're keeping your comments open for free!

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Asking questions and standing up for women’s rights should never justify such mob action against her. Universities and schools need to make clear to this monsters that they will be the ones losing their place if found to be involved in this bullying.

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Student A is bullied by many students

Teachers and Administration do little to stop the bullying.

Student A leaves the school permanately.

The Laws of each state, county, province, or district may be different but generally do the following:

File complaint with “ State” Education Dept to have the ignoring Teachers license to be a Teacher revoked;

File complaint with “ State” Education Dept to have the ignoring Administrators license to be an Administrator revoked.

File criminal charges against the Teachers, Administrators and other students for at least a form of harassment and/or conspiracy. When does free speech by one person become criminal harassment by a group of persons?

In the US try Federal RICCO criminal charges. The use of that law is being broadened past its original intent.

File petition in Family Court [or similar] for child abuse and child neglect [ or similar] agaiinst Administrators, Teachers, [assuming they are mandatory reporters] and the parents of each of the bullying group.

Sue civilly for money damages against school, administrators, teachers, the bullying individuals and their parent

Stay off of social media such as twitter, tiktok, youtube and similar no matter what is said;

Do not speak to traditional or even the non traditional press either print or online.

Ignore the Board of Education they are useless;

Ignore Politicians at any level they are useless:

Install cameras around your place of residence all sides;


No matter what the specifics, the group mentality being the group mob needs to be shut down. Good old fashioned “junkyard dog lawyer” is your best method of accomplishing the same.

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It’s clearly bullying. Encouraged, it seems, by the school. Certainly failed in its duty of care to her.

Very interesting about the anorexia/trans crossover. I wonder if she’d write about it...

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