And, on top of that shit show, women have to now contend with the Nick Fuentes’ of this world, and all the frightened, angry baby-men who claim, ‘Your body; my choice’.

Christ, after decades of a slow-build, how did the rights of women start to crash and burn so quickly?

It’s so many shades of fucked up.

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Sadly predictable, Ms. magazine was published & ERA hasn't been passed, Roe v. Wade? Pendulum always swinging, now men 🚹 are in ladies 🚺.

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This is the future that second-wave feminists fought for:

“[T]he end goal of feminist revolution must be, unlike that of the first feminist movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally."

—Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex (1970)

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@Anthony Johnsen, love love your entire comment especially-“It’s so many shades of fucked up.”

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Fuentes is a scumbag. That does not change the fact that millions of women support "all nine months" abortion -- a cultural abomination that rivals Dachau in sheer depravity. There is some deep karma going on here.

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Re the student aspect of the piece.

If a student genuinely feels unsafe, triggered, scared, angry, confused etc by normal everyday University life, he could either defer his place, or give up his place. Lots of people conclude that University is not for them.

Similarly, if a newly recruited Lifeguard found that being around water day-to-day made him feel unsafe, triggered, scared, angry, confused etc, he would likely hand in his notice and conclude that Lifeguarding was not for him. He would not continue to put himself through years of pain and distress, telling everyone who would listen, about his terrible suffering.

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If you are a trans woman there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all is that you are still a man because you can't change your biological sex. It's okay to dress any way you wish and to adopt any superficial, stereotypical attributes of women that you desire. Live your life. No one should care, I certainly don't. However, because women are entitled to be treated fairly and to enjoy privacy from men there are certain things that are prohibited to you and me because we are men. You can't compete against women in most sports because it would be unfair. You can't go into women's private places like restrooms and locker rooms because that would make them feel unsafe. Finally, if you are a criminal you certainly can't be imprisoned with women.

That's it, just like me.

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Spot on,, as usual., Julie. Has there ever been a more narcissisitic, self-indulgent - or so-called woke - society than the one in which we now find ourselves trapped? And at the root of it all is the class system, which in Britain seems to survive and flourish no matter how undernourished the societal soil.

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Worse than that, youth seem in profound & fundamental denial of reality, not just self-declaring but that gender is unrelated to human biological reproduction - where do they think next gen. of trans is coming from?

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They think the next generation will come either from gestational pods in a laboratory/factory, or from women in foreign baby farms, or from a transgender bloke. OF COURSE! Keep up with the "Science"!

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I'm old fashioned traditionalist & prefer petri dish.

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Good question. This brings them right up against the reality of sex, and its division of reproductive labour. I think they probably believe that they only have to 'reproduce' their ideology into the newest generation for it to survive, leaving the actual work of material reproduction to 'cis' males and females. Their bad faith is profound, and it results in their appearance in 'drag queen story times' inflicted on nursery and primary school age children, not to mention the narrative of gender fluidity, where a boy who likes playing with dolls is 'really' a so-called 'trans-girl', and a girl who likes football is....yes, you've guessed it, a 'trans-boy'. For the life of me I cannot understand how society can facilitate this total dereliction of duty towards young children at their most vulnerable stage of development.

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Stunned me that gynecologists didn't rise up to say men can't be women, even when they pummel them @ the Olympics. This has been going on since Eve & is another reason I'm glad I'm old.

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I could not agree more with this article. It is indeed the behaviour of spoilt brats who WANT to be oppressed and offended.

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A wonderful article by Julie Bindel, who hits the nail on the head once again.

Sometimes I feel isolated and wonder if I am the only person on the political left who can see through the progressive garb of transgenderism to its rotten, reactionary core. Reading Julie on this issue always cheers me. Like her, I have origins in the manual working class, and, although I am a southerner, experienced a broadly similar childhood as a working-class girl, experiencing the way economic class and biological sex meld to form a special experience of oppression. I KNEW that what I experienced was as much an accident of biological sex (not voluntaristic, I was and am a female and had no bloody choice) as it was of the fact that my mother was a stillroom maid working in a hotel and my father a porter working for British Rail, as it then was. I am appalled and disgusted at the actions of privileged men who 'believe' that they are women, particularly where they get a perverted 'thrill' from the idea of passing as a woman and suffering oppression as a woman in consequence. Language is inadequate to describe how I feel about this and about those on the 'left' who champion this colonisation of our oppression. I am so very, very glad that there are women out there (REAL women) like Julie, like Maya Forstatter, like Helen Joyce and others who have the guts and principle to tell the truth about transgenderism and its champions.

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Why aren’t there more people—men and women—“on the left” who are aware of this? Are they aware of it? What do they have to say about AGPs who fetishize being treated badly ‘as women’? The “TWAW”, “Protect Trans Kids” (etc.) people need to be *forced* to acknowledge this reality of the trans experience, and reconcile it with their half-wit activism.

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I was one of the women on that cancer ward. I sat there last year, surrounded by transgender flags. I waited 4 full months to get my breast cancer surgery to remove two malignant tumours. Complete mismanagement aside, I’m fully aware the waiting list was long partly because “transmen” felt “distraught” at looking like the healthy young women they are, and they had to be accommodated.

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It is utterly appalling and totally unacceptable that biological women with breast cancer (a life-threatening disease), whose illness demands the most rapid surgical intervention, have to stand in line with pathetic, narcissistic, reality-denying so called 'transmen' who cannot come to terms with the female body that they were born with, bleating that they 'must' have their healthy breast tissue removed. The NHS has deteriorated almost to the point of no return as a result of neo-liberalism and the privatisation agenda. This makes a bad situation incomparably worse and leads WOMEN to suffer avoidable deaths.

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This is where you lose credibility. You seriously think the number of breast surgery on trans individuals is making a significant delay in cis women's cancer surgery? First, evidence. At the moment you have none... You're just spewing the same kind of credulous BS as the trans activists. If you've got a credible point to make, you must have the evidence to back it up, don't just assume that because you're making the right political noises the fact that what you're saying is total hot air will go unnoticed, because no-one will call you on it, because they agree with your politics.

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Ms Bindell. I really appreciate your courageous writings against this appalling development in Western society. I have been a feminist and advocate of female freedom for most of my adult life. As a psych major I have studied the bio elements of the species and I can say categorically trans men are not women-only cos players. My question to these individuals who erroneously believe they are females is: How in the hell do you know what a women feels like? All you have access to is their behavour, not the influences of a woman's hormones and internal structures that inform them and all you do is mimic, often in an absurd pantomime elements of their observed behavour. An personal example. Our local Starbucks drive through has on staff an individual I assume is a trans woman. This individual has the physique of a man, facial hair and yet speaks in an exaggerated approximation of how he thinks women express themselves. My wife is mortified when she hears him pronounce "How can I help you" in a bizarre elocution of what he thinks is female voice intonation. We call him "Tranny pop" and sing Tranny pop to the tune of

lollipop after we order. Juvenile and stupid perhaps. My wife is a solid compassionate women who has spent her entire adult career in service of the disabled as have I. But this is a bridge too far for us. We wish them no violence or hatred. But they are as you observed distorting our society with their self indulgence and narcissism. I believe and I don't have any evidence to support this belief that the lefts support of this group was perhaps a small element in the disastrous loss by the Democrats. At any rate you have two people who unreservedly support your public push back at this disturbing movement

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Well said! It's all so insulting to women! The trans and cultural madness of the left is thought to be the most important factor for swing voters voting against Harris, by the way, and the third biggest reason overall, after inflation and the border. Hoping for progress under Republicans sounds like an oxymoron but it's all we've got at the moment. (Got the lollypop song in my head now, thanks!🤣🍭)

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Don't expect anything good for women from the criminal rapist and his misogynist posse. Sorry about the ear worm...

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Rapists and misogynists on both sides screaming they're women's true champions. Believe none of it.

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Well as a Canuck I don't keep track of the rapists and misogynists in the Democratic party. Just off the top I don't think they have ever hired one to run for President.

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Where to start! JFK comes to mind, Clinton, FDR, all womanizers no less than Trump if less openly. The idea that men on the left are automatically the good guys when it comes to women is attractive, to leftist men especially, but not evidenced based. What leaders' policies do for women is more relevant that the scandals and accusations that are always thrown at them by their enemies, using women's bodies as political footballs. Actions are what count, and right now the Dems defend men punching women in the face in front of the whole world. That's misogyny.

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I know that JFK and Clinton were unfaithful to their wives they were not as far as we know"pussy grabbers" and convicted rapists and proud of it. There is a difference albeit it may be just in terms of semantics What Dems are defending men who punch women in the face?

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Everyone knows the frequency of violence inflicted on women and girls, how being killed by a partner is a real threat. Most women have either experienced, molestation, harassment, threats and violence and everyone will know someone in their circle, mother, sister, daughter, friend, colleague, neighbour who has experienced this. You really don’t need to look for it. The doublespeak happening at present is staggering. Women 50% of population, yet we are blind to it and wholeheartedly been spellbound and embraced the Emperor’s New Clothes.

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Being killed by a partner is not “a real threat.”

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This fits in exactly with the data I'm collecting on trans widows, women who divorced suddenly crossdressing, demanding men. I work under my own auspices, as I know I cannot register with any professional and academic institution to publish with peer review. I developed a survey called 20 Questions to Ask a Trans Widow, and have the responses of 64 so far. In this tranche of data, more than 1/3 of us were sexually assaulted by husband before the escape. A slightly larger 1/3 were physically assaulted. A significant percent of us were unable to leave for months or even years due to lack of financial agency. I realize now that I should have done a separate survey about the trans orphans, because most were affected by the financial hardship and the sudden change in the fathers, especially in the cases where Dad insists on being called "Mummy-Something." Now I'm finding out that in adulthood, many of the millennial children now go "no contact" with the mother who got along without child support, as the "woke" political agenda demands they look at their mother in a different light. The documentary on trans widows, Behind the Looking Glass is now up at Lime Soda Films YouTube channel, already with 147k views since late August. If you watch it, please do leave a positive and encouraging comment. The filmmaker, Vaishnavi Sundar was utterly cancelled after she made her 4 part series on detransition, "Dysphoric." Here is my latest data on 60+ trans widows:


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What would actually happen to these moronic students when (not if, because life is hard), they actually face a true challenge like illness, death in the family, child with developmental issues? They are so indulged in their whining about fake issues.

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Maybe they will grow up? They are infuriating but they are also young and utterly brainwashed by social media. I don't think we've truly understood the effect of 2020 on young people's brains, with the combination of fear, lockdown boredom and constant scrolling. Not excusing them but I have have to believe in redemption, especially for the young.

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Interestingly, None of their hurt feelings travels back into a form of empathy for any other person than themselves. In germany we have a long history of calling working class and poor people "sozial schwach" (socially weak). This term comes from the upper class but is leakage into their way of thinking as they are notorious for keeping their wealth extremely private so that nobody gets the idea of "appropriating" it for social causes... or paying taxes... I see the same kind of social weakness in the self pity of the trans people. A staff member in a hospital once told me they are not very well liked there because they never do their jobs, they are always destracted and need close attention to get anything done...

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I'm entirely with you on gender ideology but credit where credit's due, Please Miss: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Penis is a cracking title.

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Great article Julie. I agree that "luxury beliefs" is an apt label for these self-pitying, self--centered trans whiners. Their suffering might be real, but it's self-induced. While I don't agree with everything that Rob Henderson says, I think his contemporary coining of the term "luxury belief" hits the nail on the head much like Thorstein Veblen's term "conspicuous consumpion" did in the past, albeit some people still flaunt their luxury goods to show their superiority.

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This is not going to end well.

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No surprise, but in the center rear of the top photo in the article, the pedo ("Minor-Attracted Person") flag is visible.

Reference: https://www.boywiki.org/en/Minor-attracted_person_(dictionary)

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‘Fear of gender’ - what does that actually mean? It doesn’t make sense, never mind not agreeing with it. Did anyone peer review the book?

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