Great conversation. So many decent people vilified for speaking out while the detractors deliberately ignore the physical and emotional damage being done in the ideologies name. All power to Shahrar for holding to the truth.

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Thanks Shahrar and Julie. I only know one transgender person - and they're actually a beloved member of my family. I have no right to speak on their behalf but they accept that biological sex is real, and that there is, sadly, misogyny among some trans people. We need to have the courage to speak out and say that it is not transphobic to say that sex and gender are different things. We need to acknowledge not just how people identify themselves but also what bodies they were actually born in, because both things are important.

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Thanks Julie. Shahrar has really put himself on the line on this, and has had to put up with horrible abuse. He's much appreciated by all of us in GP trying to fight back.

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Superb Interview Julie, thank you to both.

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I just passed by Brighton Green Party's Office on my way home from work. I actually took a photo. Rainbow flag and "Pride is a Protest" poster. Trans flag and "Trans Rights are Human Rights" poster. What have these symbols to do with "Green Issues?" Many Thanks for your work Julie and well done Shahrar

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Shahrar Ali - top bloke, someone who will stick up for the disadvantaged no matter what, he'd make a great Prime Minister, but there's absolutely no bloody chance of that unfortunately, good people rarely get to that level. Thank you for a great conversation.

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I admire Shahrar for his principled stance and obviously Julie for all her amazing work. However both of them cowed to the ideology in this interview by referring to both Aimee Challenor and Paris Lees as "they/them" when they are both simply MEN. I'm not sure why? Seemed in contradiction to the rest of the interview.

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