This is the genocide of families. Why destroy the most successful positive society unit?

Good work Julie

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There are different theories of this - some say it comes from Marxist mission to destroy the family. Seems like the idea of breaking down families and replacing them with institutions has long been proved a harm to society - but bad ideas do not die gracefully. Another is that of a even more insidious nature - those men who are motivated to transition due to sexual reasons - often have other paraphilias - which a fresh supply of vulnerable confused youth desperate for community and connection can be easily manipulated to provide. Often detransitioners speak of how they were approached/harrassed/groomed by older men online. This is part of the picture. Not only should parents refuse to give in to the lie that their children can change their sex. But also they are enabling a situation where their child will be driven toward a community of people who have sick designs upon them.

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Also what is so weird these social services are perfectly happy ignoring the incredibly young unsupervised children who are roaming the streets at night creating mischief and are soon to be on the prison pipeline. They are targeting the stable loving families. Why?

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Just the other day I was listening to a leftwing podcast produced in the U.S. disputing the fact that schools are grooming kids to be gender-confused. And there is plenty of evidence that U.S. schools across the nation have absolutely been captured. But the evidence is ignored by the legacy media, and only covered by rightwing (which is pure propaganda on practically every other topic) or independant media - which spans the political spectrum. I truly appreciate someone who has classical liberal values - once upon a time considered democratic values presenting this topic.

This is a HUMAN rights issue - and people from ALL political spectrums need to forcefully push back on the harms of gender ideology. Families, children and women from all parts of society are being harmed.

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This is absolutely chilling. It should be shown on prime time tv, but it won’t be.

Julie, this is exceptionally well put together. If listening to this doesn’t move people I doubt anything will

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Bravo Julie for bringing these parents & childrens voices to the public domaine. I’ve listened to 1 & 2 and they are so powerful. I thank you, the parents and the children who shared with us. I am looking forward to listing to the rest. These should be sent to every Politician!

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Don't stop Julie!

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This is bloody brilliant journalism, Julie. So much to say about it. Horrified to hear the personal testimonies of the young lesbian girls. Even knowing this subject well as I do, I am still incredulous listening to what has happened and is still continuing to happen to children. And the struggles of parents. It’s heartbreaking.

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will be there any podcast about children who are under 24 yo, who are mentally ill and get prescriptions for HRT from GP and/or private gender service? that's a huge problem in UK

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