Gosh, the extraordinary levels of cognitive dissonance you managed to uncover during those interviews with Labour voters. It reminds me of trying to reason with my Jehovah's Witness family.

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Thank you Julie.

What does a 60yr old man mean by "Girl Mode"?

Am I in "Girl" Mode after 43yrs (and counting) of menstruating?

I find it sad that women, especially young and middle class women, seem to exhibit such cruel disreguard for the wellbeing of others of their sex.

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An excellent podcast Julie. Your questions revealed that some people haven't really thought to much about the issues. Keep up the great work.

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That's the first podcast I've ever listened to, and it was well worth it. Hailing from South Yorkshire as I do, and an alumnus of Sheffield University, I've been close to Labour politics since a long time ago. I remember how shocked Labour members in Sheffield were when Nick Clegg got elected - what would those ex-steel workers make of their own party now?

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Really enjoyed this podcast Julie. The younger woman you interviewed makes me despair but interesting that the slightly older female Labour supporter drew the line at men in specific women's spaces. She just hasn't made the connections has she? Maybe you got her thinking!

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I really enjoyed this. Liz is fabulous and Julie did a great job interviewing the young woman who was clearly struggling to make sense of her own arguments. She gave the impression of desperately struggling to avoid the central point that you cannot allow men to invade women's spaces whilst at the same time protecting the women in them. It is difficult to get people from the other side to debate the issues so you did well. If I'm ever in Sheffield I'll go for a cocktail at the Harlequin. Cheers!

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3 min mark - it was so sad to hear her describe herself as "a bit old fashioned", young Labour-voting women are now being told that their views don't count and are passé if they don't swallow the gender nonsense.

On another note I've never tried Henderson's Relish, I must put that right!

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Thank you, sadly his dullness probably won’t stop his election by the gender zombies

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I note that the young TWAW woman doesn't seem concerned that the vulnerable young men in prison are still there. Does she not wonder why *they're* not being housed in women's prisons too?

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Thanks very much, Julie. A fascinating podcast. There's an evident conflation of 'Girl mode' and biological sex. I was once a professional dancer and performed (in 'drag') in the musical La Cage Aux Folles. Genuinely great fun to be in 'girl mode'. Izzard's 'Girl mode' is similarly 'play' and should be distinct from reality. I'm genuinely shocked he can wander into female toilet facilities, or did I mishear this? Philosophical relativism drives such silliness that's been well-argued by Kathleen Stock (2021). Respect for 'trans' individuals should not override respect for reality.

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The level of ignorance displayed by some of the women interviewed in this Podcast, about the erosion of women's sex based rights, is startling and very worrying. It clearly indicates that the trendy promotion of transgenderism in the media, films and popular culture is having a very negative impact on peoples perception of the concept of a woman, based on biology, and is leading to some of the confusion that we can clearly hear in the interviews with some of the women.

This perception is compounded by organizations, such as Stonewall, and politicians in Parliament. There is also the concern that many people who do speak out, end up getting de-platformed, cancelled and subjected to threats and physical attacks, which is why a lot of people in the "media" give the debate a wide berth. People can see what happened to the likes Graham Linehan and JK Rowling and the huge furore that resulted.

There does appear to be encouraging signs that homosexual men and lesbians, that have been lumped in with trans people under the LGBTQ banner, are now getting to grips with the insidious implications that transgender ideology has for them and society and the damage that is in the process of being done to children in puberty. It is for this reason that they and everyone else needs to be thankful for the work you are doing in trying to enlighten fairly naive young people about the reality of what is going on. Cheers. Denis

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Any chance we can have the recipe for a Mermaid on the Rocks? Might fancy a tipple over the weekend 😉

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That was fascinating! Great range of opinions incl a woman desperately trying to convince herself she was a true believer. I look forward to a celebratory JB cocktail sometime! 🍸🍹

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Eddie’s early work was a go-to when I needed cheering up, and many years later when we had a chance to see him live we bought tickets (a big expense for us). When Eddie came onstage he was wearing very large fake boobs, which surprised us as his former declaration of transvestism had him wearing fabulous outfits but not fake breast. But we were shocked and disappointed that this show we’d paid a lot of money for and driven hours to attend was one, long political rant on “being kind”. There was little comedy, much less joy in the show. I felt as if we were naughty students getting a lecture from our teacher!! Where was the man who’s left us helpless with laughter with whimsical musings on technology and pears!?! I actually respect his turn to politics, as he clearly isn’t funny anymore, but I deeply resent this “girl mode” nonsense. Those of us born in female bodies don’t have modes: we have lives!!!

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Fascinating, thanks very much!

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Julie says that accepting transwomen and supporting women are mutually exclusive. She classifies all transwomen the same way. She believes this no matter what level of transition, no matter what age they transition. Every transwoman to Julie is exactly the same and should be excluded from every part of society. I hope she continues these aggressive tactics because I don't think they are playing as well as she thinks they are.

Listening to the first few interviews where she spoon-fed their opinions to them was interesting.

Her last interview sounded more like an interrogation than an interview. The poor young woman sounded like she was going to cry. Good for her to standing up to Julie despite Julie's overbearing interrogation techniques.

However, I'll give Julie some credit here. That interview did not show Julie in a good light but she included it in this podcast anyway. At least Julie is honest about where she stands unlike professional gaslighters like Helen Joyce and Stella O'Malley who try to make rediculous claims that they support transpeople.

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Where did she say they should be excluded from every part of society? Her position has always been that men, however they identify, should be excluded from women-only spaces. That leaves plenty of spaces where they can be themselves.

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This is laughably not true. She is steadily campaigning to remove all legal definitions of trans people, which will essentially erase their identities from society and remove any protections and rights. She calls all transwomen men which even at it's most basic level is not true as they are not considered men by other men, they are not accepted in society as men, and they cannot be treated by health care professionals as men. She knows this very basic truth, but her interest is not in truth, it's to defame trans people so it makes it easier to take their rights away which is why her communications with the public are only to instigate more irrational and unsubstantiated fear of transgender people.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

“ is steadily campaigning to remove all legal definitions of trans people, which will essentially erase their identities from society and remove any protections and rights”. You’ve just described what the extreme trans - rights people ARE doing to women’s’ rights. Women have lost THEIR pronouns and been called Cis, menstruators and people with a uterus. Women-only spaces / lesbian bars are practically non-existent. And if I object to a man waving his genitalia around in a women’s dressing room ( eg the Wi spa incident for just one example) I can be accused of hate speech and have the police called on me! Funny I don’t see transmen having hissy fits over men still being called men…

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I agree with Veronica. I certainly did not hear Julie saying trans-individuals should be excluded from every part of society. You create a binary where one does not exist. It's true, I assume; Julie believes, along with Stock (2021), that no procedure can alter one's sex'. Stock takes apart such arguments, and well in my view.

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Well, you actually paid Julie just so you can post that nonsense? Ye gods.

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Well thought out reply Mathew. (insert eye roll).

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