The discussion of domestic violence in this interview was such a breath of fresh air. Just days ago I published a piece about my very different experiences with the police around dv in the US, and how commonplace it still is for police to collude with abusers. I've also written about the debates around PTSD, at Call Off The Dogs, https://calloffthedogs.substack.com/. Thank you for talking about these subjects in a calm, intelligent way.

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One gentle and honest question, instead of using phrases like "the situation I got myself into" regarding an abusive relationship, can we say "the abusive situation I found myself in." Likely, Dr. Spurr was working towards a marriage and a family, and he chose abuse instead. This type of language shift is deeply important to shifting attitudes of the public as abuse being about the "choices" of the victim-survivor, and not those of the perpetrator. Thank you both so much for your work.

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