It’s shocking that many people fail to see the Trojan Horse that is Gender Ideology. Pedophile groups & apologists seek change through political, education & organisation infiltration & ultimately legal change. It is glaringly obvious; what has changed fundamentally in the last couple of decades, is the professionals who previously understood this have been totally captured by an ideology that whilst dangerous on its own for children & young people, masks even more sinister intentions for all children’s safety & wellbeing.

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Jesus f**king Christ.

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Two additions.

- the "independent inquiry into child sexual abuse in germany" is NOT YET DONE with the "kentler project". It released a preliminary report but is scheduled to finish the inquiry by the end of 2024. The findings show a "network" into highest political ranks. This network has lasted from the 1960s into the 2000s. It has not even began to cool off and is already reinstated. Germany has a long and dark history of child abuse.


(this also explains the systematic loosing of custody of german mothers to abusers and the highest rate of state interference into custody and removal of childen in the eu or worldwide (forgot). Especially in berlin. The istanbul convention is entirely ignored, coercive control is not recognised and anti stalking laws are way too loose. The murder of the female ex partner is regarded as a reason to lessen the sentence, the victim has the onus of proving the abuse (even babies), the abuser is regarded innocent)

- the same groups are currently working on a change of legislation into the expansion of "childrens rights".

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Terrifying. Saddening. V disturbing fact u relate here . But in roi ti share truths like it has been outlawed. Im not kidding you Julie. Otherwise I'd share your v important article . & I'm no coward. I've stuck my neck in many issues brushed under carpet here down 30 yrs . But the new Crime bill here is so draconian. & Is all about buying, silencing truths like this re pb's. Ta for all you do for women & girls' safeguarding. It's one tough hill to climb .

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You intially published this article one month after I wrote this for Reduxx, and you used the same information that I uncovered, including quotes from a pedophile forum I read for the research - yet you haven't cited my work.


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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

“No Allen (Ginsberg), you still don’t get it. The right wants to put you in jail. I want you dead” -Andrea Dworkin

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

Here we go again, yet another JB article presenting only men as sexual abuse perpetrators. The longest section of our final manifesto https://j4mbdotorgdotuk.files.wordpress.com/2024/02/c8af6-221128-j4mb-manifesto-3.pdf was on sexual abuse (pp.51-7). It includes this (p.52):

"This culture leads to inequalities. Few women are held accountable for sex offences, including those women who sexually abuse children. It’s known from a major American survey (details below) that slightly over 25% of sex offences are committed by women against men, with no male accomplices. We would therefore expect the male/female ratio of people charged with sex offences to be a little under 3:1. In the UK, in 2013, the ratio was 146:1.

Women and children, as well as men, suffer from this failure to hold female sex offenders to account. Michele Elliott is the founder and director of Kidscape, a British charity. Her book Female Sexual Abuse of Children – The Ultimate Taboo was published in 1993. [My comment: Her attempt to give a talk on this failed when feminists in the audience made such a commotion as to bring proceedings to a halt.]

In 1984 two American researchers, Petrovich & Templer, reported that of a sample of 89 incarcerated (male) rapists, 49 (59%) had been sexually abused as children by one or more women, sometimes their own mothers. The Abstract of the paper:

Data were collected from 83 men (aged 20–54 yrs) who had been convicted of raping women. 59%

were found to have been molested at a mean age of 10.86 yrs by older females. Intercourse was involved in 82% of the cases. In 54% of the cases, the female molesters were either neighbors or friends of the family."

There is, therefore, a de facto correlation between female sex offending and male sex offending.

Perhaps we should teach women not to sexually abuse boys? A suggestion for the feminist rape industry, maybe?

Mike Buchanan



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This seems to crop up every 10-15 years.

Many statements made here seem to be factual, from data on pedophiles I’ve read.

As other children adjust in friendships and attractions along age-consistent trajectories, pedophiles don’t, and are locked into the attractions they had in childhood with adult bodies and desires.

It cannot be altered anymore than conditioning someone to not be heterosexual or not be gay.

There have been useful relaxation on legal constraints on gay behavior because after decades of exposure to gays and lesbians who were out, most people grasped that there was nothing to fear. It is as consensual as heterosexual or bisexual sex and does no harm to institutions or individuals.

The debate here with these pedophile groups never seems to center on the fact that everything they say may be factual, but it doesn’t change the fact that children cannot give consent. They cannot conceptualise sex, its responsibilities and dangers.

Social and legal constraints are in place to protect children because they cannot give consent to exploitation. Pedophiles exercising their sexually harms children, and institutions dedicated to children.

Nothing can ever change that.

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Thanks for a great description of exactly how pedophile activists are working so closely with transactivists. It's obvious the forces are there, but I've had a difficult time connecting the dots. You just did, thank you again. These people have been grooming parents for several years now to accept children as 'little adults' and acquiesce to their every whim, but progressives have been grooming *themselves* as well to be more acquiescent to predatory men by being more 'inclusive' - never saying no to anyone.

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While we are drawing up a list of such gender ideologues, lets not forget to add the (in)famous Simone de Beauvoir as one who wished to normalise paedophilia all the while grooming her female students for herself and her boyfriend, Sartre.

Truly horrible people. Users of humanity.


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