With you all the way - from another (intelligent, educated, feminist) and liberal. Studied philosophy as well as law. - it wouldn’t philosophically stand up

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It is like the USSR except it is not "for the party" it is "for the rainbow flag". The LGBT movement have done the same to countless "traditional festivals" over the years, they accuse them of supporting X and Y bad thing, it is a form of blackmail through the threat of social ostracization. Instead of them ignoring the blackmailers, they comply and that is the beginning of the end for the festival The next folk festival will have been taken over by rainflow flags.

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Thank you for getting this story out so fast, Julie. It's so encouraging that artists from all disciplines are starting to speak out and expose the growing ostracisation, exclusion, de-platforming that goes on. Its rapidly making the arts into the propaganda department for Gender theocracy. You're a great firend to artists. Thank you.

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Can't believe people are still being cancelled for this crap. Thought it might have blown over by now.

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Think you need to check out the guy's FB timeline. It's full of nasty, Right Wing, Covid denial, anti-vaxxer, anti-15 minute city, conspiracy theory shite. This is not a friend the GC movement needs.

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While what you are saying is correct, I don't think anyone should be denied holding those views or prevented from saying them / posting them online.

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I absolutely agree, but if I were doing a gig, and I used to put on gigs for several years in the 2000s, I would be extremely uncomfortable that I was platforming someone with views like that. Utimately I think Leigh Festival have handled it really badly, i guess as they picked the weakest possible comments made by this person and making it a LGBT+ issue. If you don't want people to perform you check them out before they are booked though it may also be that they were booked by a subsiduary stage so maybe they didn't know.

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Agree it is poor process on the festival's part. But if someone has opposite political views should that stop them singing songs which have (most likely) nothing to do with their politics? Instead should we allow people to vote with their feet and not turn up to the stage / gig if the act's views are well known?

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Yeah. It's a difficult one. I guess I don't know the views of many of the bands I listen too or go and see. But I also think if I am putting something on, which like I said i have done on numerous occasions, I'm going to filter out bands I don't like or approve of their politics. I'm not going to picket where they play or demand they can not play anywhere, though i would if it were Blood and Honour bands, but I just would not promote them myself. Leigh fucked up in the process. if they didn't want this band now, they should have found out about them earlier on and tbh it's surprising they didn't know as it sounds like it's quite talked about in the area. My main annoyance is that somehow GCs have again ended up supporting someone with some pretty nasty views on other issues.

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agree. But for me this issue shouldn't have to align with other politics. It's more important than that!

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