‘When I grow up I really want to be a prostitute’. Said no one ever! It’s not “work”, it’s exploitation.

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The push seems to be to get teens into it, and glamorize it. There even may be girl children who are now vaguely aware of onlyfans, pornography or prostitution and consider it part of the options available to them.

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The other thing that trans male prostitutes get is validation, as a sexually objectified "woman", which fits with their own view of themselves. Maybe should leave the sex industry to them.

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I have often had the same thought.

Men seem to find far more genuine delight in embodying sexist stereotypes than women do. Given this and the fact that males are the population that comprises the buyers, I really think all transactional sex, including pornography, should be performed by them.

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what an appealing idea.

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Janet Mock writes: "I quickly correlated trans womanhood and sex work."

And there we have it. As Julie Bindel aptly points out "there is no such thing as a natural woman, all it can ever be is an idealised image and that image is created by the male gaze". Further, I would submit, according to trans/queer lobbyists, womanhood is truly entrenched via a submissive relationship to a man, preferably transactional.

I wonder how many of these activists can recognize and admit to their deeply patriarchal and pro-capitalist politics? What a sickening charade.

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i so appreciate your work on this topic. other publications i recommend are 'being and being bought' by kajsa ekis ekman, 'any girl' by mia doring and also the you tube channel by elly arrow.

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I am a woman. This thinking is really sick. The freedom to be a woman is the OPPOSITE of being a prostitute or being prostituted. For anyone who is only theoretically involved in this - not a woman who is stuck in prostitution or trafficked: those are actual victims - stop agreeing with this nonsense. High schoolers are taught in “sociology” classes that sex work is work - a profession some choose. Stop this garbage.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Transsexuals and trans activists often say they are "forced" into prostitution by their circumstances, but many choose prostitution because they are in control and can make a great deal more money, than at unskilled, minimum wage jobs. They also claim to be in danger as prostitutes, which they are often if they attempt to sell themselves as biological women. But many live dangerously, pushing their luck with unsuspecting tricks. One post op MTF I knew was murdered by a customer. The murder was reported in the press as a trans hate crime. However, close friends of the murder victim spoke of how "she" would often reveal her trans status after the unsuspecting clients had orgasmed, just to shock them.

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The motivation behind the "trans" lie (there really is no such thing, there are no "trans" people, just mentally ill cross dressers) is sexual degeneracy. These men's raison d'etre is sexual perversion and degeneracy--prostitution fulfills that motivation.

This isn't an identity, reality, or civil rights issue. These men do this because they are degenerates who get off on it. It is that simple, though of course drugs and mental illness are related. This is not complicated.

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