Liberal feminism and the 'choice' bullshit
Why would a woman 'choose' to be a stripper or a surrogate if she had no real alternative? My guide to challenging the 'empowerment' argument
Q: Our feminist foremothers fought for the rights of women to choose.
A: They fought for us to be free of male dominance and to be granted human rights.
Q: 'A woman's right to choose' is the most important slogan of the modern-day women's movement.
A: This slogan is specifically about reproductive rights and access to abortion, where the right to choose an abortion is crucial, as is the right to control what happens to our bodies. But choices within a patriarchal system won’t get us to liberation. Feminism challenges the world men have built.
Q: You say that women should be able to choose what to do with our bodies. Are you saying that stripping is demeaning, or sex work is dangerous? Are you seeking to remove that right to choose? And doesn’t that go against every feminist principle?